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A Bibliography of
[Nonsense] [Zoological Illustrations] [Journals] [Letters] [Tennyson Music and Illustrations] NonsenseA Book of Nonsense, by Derry Down Derry,
A Book of Nonsense, new and enlarged edition, Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets, More Nonsense, Pictures, Rhymes, Botany, etc., Laughable Lyrics. A Fourth Book of Nonsense Poems, Songs, Botany,
Music, & c.,
Nonsense Songs and Stories, ed. Sir Edward Strachey, Queery Leary Nonsense, ed. Lady Strachey,
The Lear Coloured Bird Book for Children, foreword by J. St. Loe Strachey,
The Complete Nonsense Book, ed. Lady Strachey,
Facsimile of a Nonsense Alphabet Drawn and Written by Edward Lear, The Lear Omnibus, ed. R.L. Mégroz, Lear in Sicily, ed. Granville Proby,
The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear, ed. Holbrook Jackson,
A Nonsense Alphabet,
Teapots and Quails, ed. Angus Davidson and Philip Hofer,
A Drawing Book Alphabet,
Lear Alphabet ABC,
Rhymes of Nonsense: An Alphabet,
The New Vestments, drawings by Arnold Lobel,
Ye Long Nite in ye Wonderfull Bedde,
St. Kiven and the Gentle Kathleen, ed. Donald Gallup,
A Book of Bosh, ed. Brian Alderson,
Lear in the Original, ed Herman W. Liebert,
For Lovers of Birds, compiled by Vivien Noakes and Charles Lewsen,
For Lovers of Cats, compiled by Vivien Noakes and Charles Lewsen,
For Lovers of Flowers and Gardens, compiled by Vivien Noakes and Charles Lewsen,
For Lovers of Food, compiled by Vivien Noakes and Charles Lewsen,
Bosh and Nonsense, The Tragical Life and Death of Caius Marius Esq., The Nonsense Verse of Edward Lear, illustrated by John
Vernon Lord,
Nonsensus. Comparing the 1846, 1855 and 1861 printed texts
of 116 Edward Lear limericks to their original manuscripts,
compiled by Justin G. Schiller, with an introduction by V. Noakes,
A New Nonsense Alphabet, ed. Susan Hyman, The New Vestments, illustrated by DeLoss McGraw, The Complete Verse and Other Nonsense, edited by Vivien Noakes, London, Penguin, 2001.
TranslationsNonsensi, scelta e libera traduzione di Renato Bellabarba
Il libro dei nonsense, Italian translation by Carlo Izzo,
Poesie senza senso, illustrate da Luciana Roselli
Nonsense Poems/Poèmes sans sens, French translation by Henri Parisot, I limericks di Edward Lear, nella versione di Ottavio Fatica;
con uno scritto di Mario Praz
CartoonsThe Owl and the Pussycat (1956)
The owl and the pussycat ; and, Little birds
The Owl and the Pussycat [Nonsense] [Zoological Illustrations] [Journals] [Letters] [Tennyson Music and Illustrations] Zoological IllustrationsIllustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots, Gleanings from the Menagerie and Aviary at Knowsley Hall,
ed. E. Gray,
Edward Lear and Knowsley,
The Birds of Edward Lear. A Selection of the Twelve Finest Plates of the Artist,
ed. Adrian Thorpe,
The Family of Parrots,
CollaborationsThe Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society Delineated, ed. E.T. Bennet, vol. II, 1831.
John Gould, A Century of Birds from the Himalayan Mountains, Sir William Jardine & Prideaux John Selby, Illustrations of British Ornithology, vols III & IV, London, 1834.
John Gould, A Monograph of the Ramphastidae, or Family of Toucans, The Transactions of the Zoological Society, vol. I, London, 1835. Thomas Bell, A Monograph of the Testudinata, London, 1832-1836. [CD-ROM facsimile edition, Octavo, 1999; for introductory matter visit their site] Thomas Bell, A History of British Quadrupeds, London, 1837. John Gould, Birds of Europe, London, 1837. T.C. Eyton, A Monograph of the Anatidae, or Duck Tribe, London, 1838. The Zoology of Captain Beechey's Voyage, London, 1839. The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle, ed. Charles Darwin, London, 1841. The Naturalists Library, ed. Sir William Jardine, vols. IX & XVIII, London, 1843. G.R. Gray, The Genera of Birds, vol. II, London, 1849. James de Carle Sowerby, Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles, London, Henry Sotheran, Joseph Baer & co, 1872 [reprinted Sowerby & Lear's Tortoises, terrapins, and turtles / with a new introduction by Ernest E. Williams, Athens, Ohio, Society for Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 1970]. [Nonsense] [Zoological Illustrations] [Journals] [Letters] [Tennyson Music and Illustrations] Journals and TravelViews in Rome and Its Environs,
Illustrated Excursions in Italy,
Journals of a Landscape Painter in Greece and Albania, & c.,
Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria, & c.,
Views in the Seven Ionian Isles,
Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica,
Journals: A Selection, ed. H. van Tal,
Indian Journal, ed. Ray Murphy,
Edward Lear in Southern Italy, introduction by Peter Quennell,
Edward Lear in Greece, introduction by Peter Quennell,
Lear's Corfu, introduction by Lawrence Durrell, Edward Lear in Corsica, introduction by Peter Quennell, The Cretan Journal, edited by Rowena Fowler, Edward Lear in the Levant. Travels in Albania, Greece and Turkey
in Europe, 1848-1849, compiled and edited by Susan Hyman,
TranslationsDiario di un viaggio a piedi; Reggio Calabria e la sua provincia; 25
luglio-5 settembre 1847,
Viaggio illustrato nei tre Abruzzi : 1843-1844,
Viaggio in Basilicata (1847), traduzione di Vincenzo Pepe
Diari di viaggio in Calabria e nel Regno di Napoli,
traduzione di Giuseppe Isnardi;
a cura di Graziella Cappello;
postfazione di Margherita Isnardi Parente [Nonsense] [Zoological Illustrations] [Journals] [Letters] [Tennyson Music and Illustrations] LettersLetters of Edward Lear, ed. Lady Strachey,
Later Letters of Edward Lear, ed. Lady Strachey,
Selected Letters, ed. Vivien Noakes,
TranslationsPaesaggi mediterranei; lettere 1833-1858, a cura di Graziella
Lettere dall'Italia 1837-1887, [Nonsense] [Zoological Illustrations] [Journals] [Letters] [Tennyson Music and Illustrations] Tennyson Music and IllustrationsPoems and Songs by Alfred Tennyson, set to music and inscribed to Mrs
Alfred Tennyson by Edward Lear,
Poems and Songs by Alfred Tennyson, set to music and inscribed to Mrs Alfred Tennyson by Edward Lear, Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Illustrated by Edward Lear, Edward Lear's Tennyson, with and Introduction
and commentary by Ruth Pitman, |
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There was an Old Derry down Derry...