[Table of
Contents] [Lear's Nonsense Books]
[Posthumous Works] [Lear in Sicily] [IntroductionI] [IntroductionII] [Notes] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] |
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Lear in Sicily
The pocket in which the drawings here reproduced were found was a paper pocket attached to a thick piece of cardboard, which formed the cover of one of the sketch-books. It lay flat and looked at from outside appeared to be empty-this is doubtless the reason why the existence of the drawings remained unsuspected for so long; but on putting my hand into it I became aware of the presence of several loose sheets of paper, which I found, on further examination, to have been used by Lear for drawings of humorous incidents, real and imaginary, in his Sicilian tour with Lord Proby in May-July, 1847, less than a year after the publication of the first Book of Nonsense.(a) Though few in number-the number of unpublished {7} drawings by Lear still in existence is, I suspect, very large-and of no outstanding merit or interest, they are eminently characteristic of Lear's humorous style of draughtsmanship, and ever since I found them I have intended to publish them. The present seems a suitable time for doing so, as the year 1938 has been remarkable for a revival of interest in Lear, largely attributable to Mr. Angus Davidson's admirable biography, to R. L. Megroz's article in the Cornhill Magazine for February and to the exhibition of water-colour drawings by Lear organized by the Fine Art Society. The frontispiece is a coloured reproduction of a drawing by Lear and Proby in collaboration, dated May 22, 1847 and signed by them both. Lear and Proby made three tours together in 1847: the first, the lighter side of which is reflected in these drawings, in Sicily, from May 3 to July 15; the second in Calabria from July 25 to September 4; the third in the Kingdom of Naples from September 11 to October 4. The second and third tours are described at length by Lear in the Journal of a Landscape Painter in Calabria, in which Proby, who is constantly referred to, appears as P-, and which is illustrated with lithographs from Lear's own drawings. The first-the Sicilian tour-is not the subject of any book by Lear, nor, so far as I am aware, have any of his Sicilian drawings been reproduced.(b) The only description of the tour (for the Proby correspondence contains no reference to it) is to be found in a letter written by Lear to Lord Carlingford on October 16, 1847,(c) (a short time after the completion of the third and last tour) which may be quoted:
The reference to Froglodytes [sic] calls for comment, as they are represented in two of the drawings reproduced here. The creatures shown in the drawings have no resemblance to frogs-they are more like cats and from an examination of Lear's writing I am convinced that the words in the letter quoted should read 'Troglodytes' (not 'Froglodytes') and 'Trog' (not 'Frog'). Proby made several drawings of this tour which have been preserved, including some of Ipsica [sic] and the cave of the Troglodytes. The Cava d'Ispica is described in Murray's guide as 'a narrow secluded glen 6 miles in length, shut in by steep cliffs of yellow sandstone hung with foliage, while through the rockstrewn hollow flows the Busardone rivulet, shaded by noble trees. The cliffs on either side are honeycombed with caves and niches, said to have been the primitive dwellings of the earliest Sicilian colonists. These grottoes have received various names, descriptive of their fancied resemblance to different buildings. It is {9} probable that they once served as a necropolis, and it is certain that they were used as a burial place by the Christians of the 4th Century.' Probably 'the cave of the Troglodytes' was one of the names given to the Cava d'Ispica; and this gave rise to Lear's joke and to the humorous drawings in which the Troglodytes appear. Proby's letters of this date contain no reference to Lear; but my grandmother, Lady Claud Hamilton, Proby's sister, in a family record compiled for the benefit of her children, is inclined to attribute the final collapse of his health to the hardships and fatigues of the Calabrian tour.
Proby had only just recovered from a severe attack of Roman fever when he joined Lear in Sicily. and it may be that the tours which he undertook with Lear overtaxed his strength; but it seems more probable that the real cause of his subsequent illhealth and early death was the Roman fever contracted during the previous winter, from the effects of which he never recovered. It appears, at any rate, from a letter quoted below(d) that Proby's health showed signs of improvement during the tour in Calabria. Such knowledge as we possess of Proby's association with Lear-apart from the drawings and the Journal of a Landscape Painter in Calabria-is derived from Lear's own letters. I do not know how Proby and Lear first became acquainted, but I have always supposed that Proby, who went to Rome largely for the purpose of studying art, became a pupil of Lear;(e) of this, however, there is no direct evidence, apart {10} from Lear's obvious influence on Proby's drawings. Mr. Angus Davidson(f) states that their acquaintance originated in a chance meeting:
Mr. Davidson goes on to point out that Mr. John
Proby was, as Lear now discovered, in reality
John Proby, eldest son and heir of the Earl of Carysfort. This statement
of Lear's is not strictly accurate as Proby's father did not succeed to
the Earldom till the death of his brother in 1855, though his eventual
succession was not in doubt. The quarrel or disagreement referred to soon
came to an end and in a later letter Lear writes: 'Proby makes a perfectly
excellent companion-and we now go on with perfect comfort and smoothness;
indeed I now like him so much that I do not at all like to think of his
leaving me. . . . I am sorry I said anything
so hasty about my companion, whom I find
one of the best creatures possible, and I daresay it was my own ill-temper
that made him seem hasty.' In a later letter, written
on October 16 {11} 1847, after the completion of the third tour Lear refers
to Proby as 'my constant companion (and few
there be better).' Writing to Lord Carlingford from Messina on November
25, 1858, shortly after
Proby's death, he says, 'Arrived here, I find a most good and kind letter
from Lady Isabella Proby(g)-on
poor dear John Proby's death. She says, "I send
you these details of my brother John's death, because I
know you loved him." And this was true: I did love him very much. . .
. But I myself was never kind to
John Proby as I should have been, for which I suffer now, and some day
shall perhaps suffer more.' And in a letter
written from Messina some years later he refers to the time spent there
with Proby: 'Looking at Reggio and the
Calabrian Hills, I cannot realize that it is just 19 years since I was
there with poor John Proby.'(h)
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[Table of
Contents] [Lear's Nonsense
Books] [Posthumous Works] |
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There was an Old Derry down Derry...