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Edward Lear Home Page

Anecdotes and Adventures
of Fifteen Gentlemen


Picture 10

There was an old soldier of Bicester,
Was walking one day with his sister,
   A bull, with one poke,
   Toss'd her into an oak,
Before the old gentleman miss'd her.


Picture 11

There was a sick man of Tobago,
Liv'd long on rice-gruel and sago;
   But at last to his bliss,
   The physician said this --
"To a roast leg of mutton you may go."


Picture 12

An old gentleman living at Harwich,
At ninety was thinking of marriage,
   In came his granson,
   Who was just twenty-one,
And went off with the bride in his carriage.

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There was an Old Derry down Derry...
Edward Lear's Nonsense Poetry and Art

Page layout © Marco Graziosi