A Rare and Choice Collection of Queens & Kings, and other things
[Marie Duval], A Rare and Choice Collection of Queens & Kings, and other things. The Pictures, Poetry and strange, But veritable, Histories designed and written By S.A. The Princess Hesse Schwartzbourg. The Whole imprinted in Gold and many Colours By The Brothers Dalziel at their Camden Press, and published by Chatto & Windus, [1874].
Thank you so much. This is absolutely wonderful!
I have an original copy of this book and have been trying to sell it. I put it into a Bath auction house some years ago but have been told it is too rare to find a buyer. I can t take a photo of it and sell it online as I have 2 forms of dyslexia and don t have the technical I T ability for this and have no help. Any one have any ideas where it may sell ? Research into a seller is not very fruitful yet !