Tuesday, 2 November 1858
Perfectly fine & clear ― & less cold. Rose at 7.30. Wrote some Palestine journal. At 8.45 ― walk with T.G.B. in the park: ah! bright orange & green beech, & truly! very beautiful. At 10.10 ― return to breakfast ― all sitting, pleasant: Miss B. ― & the 2 younger Miss B.s ― all good English people, liked the more, the more known, I imagine. Children playing on floor. Lectures on the drawings ― werry successful. The men go out to the Post, I sit & play & sing to the “Ladies.” Lunch. Sharp nice little boy Francis. Frank is quiet, Jane (“cannot she be rechristened ― ?” saith Mrs. B.) very interesting. At 2 ― RIDE (!!) with Sir F.B. ― most beautiful views!! To the Grange. Very fine outside, but not so comfortable in. Miss S.M. is the future mistress! ― Some pictures, 2 Claudes, & a Titian of Charles 5. [Rodin]. Ride back with L.F. Walk solus in Avenue. ― Back ― talk with L.F. Dinner ― Lord Effingham, & Lady M. Howard. ― Sit next to Miss ― B., ― & H. Grenfell. Agreeable in all respects. Mrs. Carter’s German Songs, my “Tennysons”― & lady C. Portal’s Scotch. ――
Came with [M.] T.B. to B.’s room ― & A.S. ― smoke.
Olympia Morata
Smith & Elder
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]