Sunday, 24 April 1859
Slept well. The air is lighter, yet still heavy.
Rose at 6. ― After G.’s lesson, & finding he had decided on going to the St Peter’s Benediction, ― I went at 9 ― with him, across the ferry ― to S. Pietro. We were in good time for the Pope’s Entry ― but that had no effect on me as in old days. Then, we waited on the rt side of the facciata ― taking 2 chairs: ― the people are not reverent now ― assuredly: nor were there crowds. An old lady whom I assisted, told news had come of the Austns & Sandns having declared war.
The Pope’s voice, in the benediction was very good, & I never can, nor wish to, divest myself of the feeling that he is the head of a great division of Xtianity. ― G. & I got away with difficulty ― & walked round the walls, ― coming to the ferry, where I saw C. Perkins, who confirmed the war news. ― At the door of N° 9 I saw pretty-eyed Miss James ―: (― going out again, I nearly ran over very ugly-eyed Mrs. Ormsby ―) & then I called on the Stansfelds, & after that on P.W. ― He & I set out to walk, but meeting with Gibson, he turned back with us, ― a misfortune, as his conversation is highly ridiculous & tedious. ― We sate, (all 3 ―) some time near P. Pia, & J.G. returned, P.W. & I walking on & returning at 5 ―: after which meeting Drummond, I again returned with him ― & back by the walls ― (unpleasant Rozzica=players ―) to the P. del Popolo, & over the Pincian. ― Home by 6½. Dined. ―
Sent out Gio. to see the Illumination, wh. now, at 9 ― I see from my windows ― but these lights all seem vulgar & shabby to me. ― Bed at 10½.
Very bad night for sleep. ― X
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]