Thursday, 2 December 1858
Rose at 8. Opposite my window is P. Williams’s studio!!! ― So I dressed, & went there. How wonderfully strange are my feelings! Is it or not another life. “Stepping stones” to higher things. Old Vincenza ― kind old creature! & P.W. looking very well & kindly. A picture of his of the Mass of the Reapers is beautiful, & his old sketches truly delighted me. ― I then went to C. Coleman’s, ― poor good Coleman: ― he is sadly changed. Yet his paintings are better than before: ― he also was kind & affectionate & it does seem most wondrous to me that all are so to me! ― “Stepping stones” again. Then to breakfast with S.W.C. ― & at 10, to Dogana: much bother there, & a fear about my drawings: but judicious shewing the Jerusalem sketches succeeded in getting them away.
Then I called at the Knights’ ― lo! Mrs. Lurridge! C. & H.K. come tomorrow. Isabella I am also to see then. The Rasella rooms are let: ―where shall I “fix”? Then to S.W.C. & with him to the new Pincian homes ― to look for rooms: the 2 floors below I think will do, that upstairs will not: ― the Entresol S.C. would like ― but it is too small. Then we walked over the Pincian ― strange memories! & so to Gibson’s. J.G. is far older. Much of the peculiar decision of his character is more visible now than formerly: his showing me Mr. Huskisson‘s monument1 ― & Benjamin’s likeness; ― & Solomon G.’s Mercury; ― great kindliness & manliness were there in what he said: how odd that he can bear Buckner’s paintings over his own very refined forms. Then to Mozier’s, to ask about the Korsini rooms: & so ― (meeting Buckner, when S.W.C. ‘odiousized’) to a café ― & then on to see other rooms ― one of which, 64 Sistina, may do perhaps. ― Then we walked to S.M. Maggiore ― & to S.J. Laterano, & by the Coliseum & Capitol home. ― I am delighted to find that I like Rome as I do. Table d’hôte dinner followed. ― A Mr. Bernal ― not very pleasant, there. Then tea & writing this, in our own rooms.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Now in Pimlico Gardens, London. [↩]