
Rose late ―: weary backward life!

Wrote a good deal ― it was too cold to go out. ―

S.W.C. came ― bun=bringing ― at 1. He is always kind, & seems to have been what he is  by destiny only. At 2 ― hearing Giorgio pace up & down, I resolved to take him out ― poor man. So, out I went, with him, & straight off to St Pauls. Very cold & windy & gt. dust. St P. is wonderfully beautiful, & those marble columns are most beautiful. We returned & (what dust!) went up Mt Testaccio.

Poor Giorgio became lively once more. ― At 6 I went to the Belli Arti, & dined, ― P. Williams coming in ― but these places are horrible & filthy to me. So I came home ― wrote a bit ― & bed. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]