Thursday, 1 November 1860

Very fine & clear & colder. Resolved to go to the Musters. ― Wrote there. ― Overlooked drawings ― & packed omnia. Dickenson came: ― 7 drawings packed. ― C.F. sent to ask to dine: ――― At 4 went to Foords ― Marsh’s ― lampmaker’s, & chemists. At 5.30 cab to S. Bergmanns. The 2 […]

Wednesday, 31 October 1860

Fine, & colder. ― Headache, “quod era,” ― ˇ[W. Beadon called.] Worked but little ― at Cross’s Baalbek. Edgar & Mrs. E. Drummond came. ― Later, Ann: who is better a little ― yet more aged ever. We passed our day very harmoniously. Lunch at 1. ― She went at 4. ― I, to Mr. […]

Tuesday, 30 October 1860

Fine. It is always now-a-days ― but foggy & dim. ― The 2 Raleighs came ― also E. Drummond. ― Worked at Cross’s Baalbek. At 3 set off to Woodberry. Arrived there, ― going for a cab, which cost 4/ but found W.N. much “out of sorts,” seeing that Willie is ill ― & they […]

Monday, 29 October 1860

X 11 X Off the rails again! ―― Ahi! Rose at 7 ― not well. 8 to 9½ ― saw the 2 Nuneham pictures hung up. Breakfast. ― Left at 10, Sir H.J. Willoughby also. The French Princedom at the Station. Stratford Place: not at all well. Slept ― κῶμα1 till 2. Lunch. Worked at […]

Sunday, 28 October 1860

Particularly lovely ― quite summer. ― Rose at 7 & wrote till 9.30. Ann, Gibbs, Elizabeth Beadon, ― Mrs. Clive, & Mrs. Scrivens. Breakfast. Sir H. Willoughby amusing. ― Afterwards ― wrote & talked with C.F. ― & at 1 walked with Ward B. C.F. & Lady W. ― Lunch, pleasant. ― Read. Later, Duc […]

Saturday, 27 October 1860

Fine all day. The 3 AT songs=proofs, came. ― Worked at Musters Interlaken, & finished it at 1 ― or 2 P.M. Took it to Foords, & sent for the men to place the Nunehams in their case, ― wh. was done, & at 4 I took them to the Rail. 5.30 at Strawberry ― […]

Friday, 26 October 1860

Extremely warm ― as all these later days. But not bright, except a gleam of sun at 2 or 3 P.M. Letter from F.L. ― ὁ ἵδιος ― κάι ὁ ἵδιος ἁγαπητὸς.1 ― Wrote to him. Drew. ― Poor dear Ann came, she is pretty well ― yet less strong. Letters of Mary & R. […]

Thursday, 25 October 1860

Damp ― not dark. ― Rose at 6½. Arranged pictures & wrote till 8. Breakfast. ― Got in readiness the 1Beirût ― 2Damascus, 3.Interlaken ― 4.Bethlehem, 5.Φιλάτες, 6.Zagori, 7.S. Sabbas ― & 8 Philœ for Oatlands. Then worked at Lady W.’s 2 Nunehams ― & finished them. Ποῖ, fell fast asleep. Then arranged watercolour drawings […]

Wednesday, 24 October 1860

Off the Rails again. Breakfast at 8. Off in car by 9. Rail from Micheldever at 9.36 X X X9 Bah! ― Bah! Bah! Stratford Place by 12. ―― Arranged & unpacked & wrote letters. Fine day. Calls on Edwards, C.F. Mr. Hay, Col. Hornby & others. ――― Saw Mr. Bilton Mrs. Macbean’s uncle. J.B.E. […]

Tuesday, 23 October 1860

Rose at 6½. Warm gray morning: robins singing in the Cedar trees. ― rain. Drew: Beirût. Flies in this room ― & hunt thereof. Prayers at 9. Breakfast. Lady Arabella very cheery ever. ― Nice children of T.G.B. ― Shewed drawings. ― ― Played & sung ― Mrs. B. &c. Drew in my rooms. Lunch. […]