Sunday, 14 July 1861

Rose 4.30. Off by 5. Dim cloud on all hills ― so nothing seen but vines & abeles. Bridge of 13 arches over the Magra, so that Stanfields picture ― not a whit of the hills on either side of the river being visible, ― is invisible too. Picturesque town, about 6: & before 7 […]

Saturday, 13 July 1861

Pretty clear. Off by 5 in carriage to Avenza. ― Very dusty roads: olives & vines: cattle with Thessalian wheeled carts: ducks: & multitudinous calves seen a staple of Carrara ― besides Marble, which breaks out in vases, busts ― steps, window edges & ledges & all kinds of way. ― At Avenza drew a […]

Friday, 12 July 1861

As yesterday ― perfectly clear, & cool, tho’ hot ― so to speak ― Rose at 4.30. Coffee & off at 5. Very lovely among the Chesnuts a=top of the Foce. Drew both ways, & by 8 ― came to the town & called on Mr. Walton, who gave me a hearty reception. Mr. Scott […]

Thursday, 11 July 1861

Crystal clear. Rose at 4. At 5 went with G. to the Garden at the Rocca, & drew Santa Pietra as well as I could: but it is a singularly undrawable place. ― At 7. Off, in Andrea’s carriage, who goes for a frank a mile, & is no bother. The road is a wonderfully […]

Wednesday, 10 July 1861

Lo! quite unbespected, it is perfectly clear. “I had thought that it would have rained.” Medicine, & result. Paid & off by 5.35 & vast churn about Lucchese life ― so industrious & respectable are these peasants ― so neat & quiet: oxen carts ― large whity gray beasts with red bell-rope-tassels anti-fly about their […]

Tuesday, 9 July 1861

Immensely cloudy. Off at 6. Rail ― 6.30. ― Flat, melons. Pinewoods. Pisa at 7. Hotel Vittoria. Very dreary city of beggars! G. & I out beyond the walls, along various hot roads to find a place for a view. It was not hot however, as the sun hardly shone at all. Drew, near the […]

Monday, 8 July 1861

Very cloudy. Off soon after 5. Medicine not acting, I, ill. Industrious people & respectable. Hemp-beating[.] Serchio passed. ― Tile=sided fienili. Village, & old tower. Vines, pines, cypress olive: hills ― low & close. After ascent ― a great open view of an olive plain & L. Massaciuccholi1 & V. Reggio, & towards Spezia. But […]

Sunday, 7 July 1861

Cloudy ― & some rain early. Scirocco wind. Off at 6.30 in a carriage, fissato1 by Giorgio for 10fr. Arrived at Lucca ― 8.45. The drive is very pretty: ― that great down like turf covered mountain, all chesnut grown ― is a sight. The people too seem so industrious & respectable. Found 3 letters: […]

Saturday, 6 July 1861

Rose before 5 ― better. Morning gray, ˇ[& a few drops of rain,] ― till 10. Drew the Bagni Ponte Serraglio till 8.30. The chesnut & acacia foliage is pleasant. Then drew on the other side of the River, & 3rdly went up a steep hill to Lugliano ― whence you see both, or rather […]

Friday, 5 July 1861

X Indigestion still. ― Rose before 5. Cafè at 5.30. At 6 ― (no effect of medicine,) with G. to the Bagni Caldi ― (I didn’t go there yesterday,) & above, where we were last night ― when I drew: also looking towards the Villa valley ― & then across the Villa bridge back to […]