Thursday, 4 July 1861

Same weather: perhaps a few clouds. Rose ill ― but took an immense dose of Citrate, & at 7 ― operative ― & consequent resuscitation. Penned out hard ― all yesterday’s work, ― till 12. Dined. Letters from C.F. ― F.L. ― & W.H.H. the last most delightful & beautiful, yet sad. The 2nd is […]

Wednesday, 3 July 1861

Very lovely early. Took the medicine at 4, & again at 6, but with no effect. Carriage did not come till 7. Long drive by immensely rich, abele edged roads, ― vine festooned ― stream bordered ― I. corn, hemp, corn, fig, mulberry & every sort of luxuriant growth. But it was a long jolting […]

Tuesday, 2 July 1861

Rose before 6. No physic.  Drew 50$. At 7.30 walked to rail. ― At Pisa by 8.40 car (1fr.) to t’other Station. At Leghorn by 9.45. Aquila Nera. Macbeans, ― & saw Charles M. A good deal of talk about Severn & other toppix. ――― Left at 12. ― Bought a railway bag. Aquila Nera […]

Monday, 1 July 1861

Hot & fine again. Rose at 5.30. All packed. Letters from Jane Husey Hunt, &from Dickenson. Sent letters to Gussie Bethell John B. Harford. Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Chaworth Musters. Isabella Knight & P. Williams. At 11.30 left Florence, ― admirable Hotel! ―― & at 12.20 by Prato, Pistoia & Pescie, to Lucca ― by 3. […]

Sunday, 30 June 1861

Very coudy ― & swoops of hard rain, with gleemes of sunshine. No letters. Packed. Sent letters to T. Cooper. Lady Goldsmid. Miss E. Beaufort. Ellen Newsom. F. Lushington. Mrs. G. Scrivens. At 3.30 to the Levers. R. Lytton (Bulwer) who was to have dined there, could not come, on account of Mrs. Browning’s death! […]

Saturday, 29 June 1861

Cloudy till 12 ― fine after, but cooler. I still take medicine, & don’t know when to leave it off. Rose at 5. Penned out the V. Petraija drawings till 10. Letters from Fanny Coombe, & Edwd Clive. At 11 went to Lever’s ― sate till 11.45. Home by 12, & dined. At 2 carriage […]

Friday, 28 June 1861

Cloudy ― & rain at times. Worked ― (from 6 to 11) at a drawing of La Petraja. Letters from T. Cooper, Miss Beaufort! ― (very charming,) & Mrs. Clive. Paid bills. Dined at 12. Slept. At 2.30 ― to V. San Firenze ― & drew Cypresses between showers of rain. From 6 the evening […]

Thursday, 27 June 1861

Cloudy. Dark at 11. 12. Storm, thunder & rain. Evening, fine. No medicine, & consequently bowels ceasing to act again. Penned out till 11. No letters. No going out. Went to bed ― XX What folly & misery! Walked out at 5 or 6 with G.: paid a bill & bought some boox. ― Came […]

Wednesday, 26 June 1861

Same weather. Worked hard at penning out the yesterday’s work from 5 till 10.30. Letters from W. Nevill ― very nice. C. Fortescue, hurried & not satisfactory. Later one from J. Macbean: my boxes have arrived at Leghorn. Dined at 12. At 2.15 to Petraija. It is doubtless a lonely place ― & the terrace […]

Tuesday, 25 June 1861

Hotter, if possible. Rose before 5. Half=strength medicine. Penned out La Petraja. Letters from J. Senior. F. Lushington Mrs. G. Scrivens & Ellen, ―― about poor dear Mary’s last hours. Went ˇ[at 11] out to see about the Medicine Receipt, & to buy Photographs: very hot. Home by 12, dinner. No sleep for there was […]