Monday, 24 June 1861

Same weather. Slept pretty well: one bad fit of cramp only. Rose at 5, medicine. ― worked at Bridge view. Wrote to Bern? Hunts. Mrs. Empson. C.F. & Mrs. Francillon. Sent letters to Mrs. G. Clive Mrs. Empson. C. Fortescue Mrs. Francillon W. Holman Hunt B. Husey Hunt J. Macbean. C. Lever ˇ[wrote &] asked […]

Sunday, 23 June 1861

Ho[tter] than before ˇ[or] since ― ὡσάν τὴν άπεθαμένη θάλασσα.1 Did not go out ― but took fresh medicine. Very nice letter from Mrs. Clive. Wrote to her & J. Macbean, & Daddy Hunt, but did not send the letters. Dined at 12 ― native beer. ― At 4 went with G.K. to above the […]

Saturday, 22 June 1861

Same weather. Rose at 6. Took no medicine ― fearing to overdo it. No letters. Wrote to F. Lushington Drummond’s E. Drummond. A. Boyd. Dickenson. Spiro Kokali. T. Cooper. Bickers & Bush. Better in the morning, but not quite so well after dinner. At 2.30 to V. Firenze & drew from 3 to 7.30: ― […]

Friday, 21 June 1861

Same weather. Not quite so well: weak. Letters from F.L. & Robt. Francillon. One also from Boyd. Sent ˇ[a] letter to F.L. Drew at 7 ― 8 ― on Ponte Vecchio, & then showed George the Piazza Gran Ducale ― the Duomo, Campanile &c.: wh. he was greatly pleased with. Dined at 12. Dinner is […]

Thursday, 20 June 1861

Same clear hot fine weather. Rose at 5. 3rd dose of new medicine, wh. is decidedly a good one. Penned out all that remains to be penned. No letters ― nor papers. At 11 Walked to Levers: pleasant people: I sleepy. L., is, I have little doubt a decided ‘reactionist:’ does not at all believe […]

Wednesday, 19 June 1861

Hot & clear. Rose at 4.30. ― The new medicine. Penned out till 10. No letter or papers. Dined at 1. At 2.30 to V. Firenze ― (in a carriage nowadays,) Drew till 7 ― then to S. Miniato: 2 nice English people were there, very nice. ― Home by 8.30. 3 Ices for supper. […]

Tuesday, 18 June 1861

Brighter & bluer. But ever a breeze. Rose at 5 & took Levers new medicine ―wh. [operated] at 9 ― & without pain, the first instance since my hurt. Penned out till 10. Letter from J. Senior: the whole will affair is done, which is very kind of Bern. ― Sent letters to 1 Mrs. […]

Monday, 17 June 1861

Same clear lovely weather. Slept well, thank God. Rose at 6. Coffee & a small bit of bread. The dead weary thinking of Ann, & now of Mary, every now & then seems to exhaust all nature within me, & force me to sleep. ――― Penned out till 10. ― read a little. Wrote to […]

Sunday, 16 June 1861

Hot & fine. Scarcely any sleep all night, ˇ[& violent cramps in the legs] whether from the pill, or the heat, or the internal injury, I know not. Towards morning slept. Rose at 6, coffee. Penned out some of yesterday’s work. At 10 letter from Sarah. Poor dear Mary also is gone! ― She died […]

Saturday, 15 June 1861

Distinctly hot: not so clear or bright, but muggier. Rose at 6. Cafè nero & bread. Worked at squaring & outlining 4 divisions for the S. Firenze view. At 11 to the post: letter from dear old Daddy which I answered & sent to post. Called on Marchesa Stufa. & home by 12. ― Dined […]