Saturday, 4 May 1861

Showery ― Cedars. Bright Smith.                | vague R. Jameson | Mrs. Jameson               | Mrs. Coleridge | Mr. Duckworth | pleasing Mrs. Duckworth           | Miss Duckworth           | Mr. Simpkinson | tiresome Mrs. Simpkinson.          | Miss Wagner | Admiral Robinson | delightful Mrs. Robinson.             | Mrs. Seymour | welcome & Alfred Tennyson |          pleasant M. Halliday. ――         […]

Friday, 3 May 1861

Warmer, darker, damper. Cedars Saw in the papers, 2 “events.” C. Newton’s marriage to Mary Severn. And the death of “Eliza A. Vigors, aged 65, widow of the late N.A. Vigors, [Sqr.] M.P. at her brother in law’s home, James Keymer ― Dartford.” Poor Mrs. V.! a sad life hers! ― Bye the bye she […]

Thursday, 2 May 1861

Fine, dry ― Cedars James Edwards. Mr. Brocklesbank. Mr. Francillon. Edith Francillon Mrs. Francillon Charles Dixon. Mr. Gush. Mrs. Gush. S.W. Clowes George Clowes Mr. S. Gurney Mrs. S. Gurney Mrs. Prideaux Miss Prideaux Mrs. Bouverie 3 small Bouveries Miss Seymour Mr. Fry Mrs. Buxton Miss Hammond. 20 Worked very little, at Cedars ― comfortless […]

Wednesday, 1 May 1861

X Fine & dry ever. Cedars Poor Mary’s birthday! Working ― little enough, at Cedars, early, but more as the day went on ― up till 6 o’clock. ― I think they will finish themselves in a few days. James Uwins. Mr. North Miss North. Lady Grey Miss ― ? Matt Wyatt. Mr. Edwards. James […]

Tuesday, 30 April 1861

Note from H. Mildmay ― & £350― for Damascus. {Began on canvass 17. Febry. 1860 Charles G. Wynne. C.G. Wynne ― Juniorissimo. Mr. Mildmay. Miss Clive Worked at Cedars, & wrote many notes. Went out at 5 ― called on F. Sykes, & F. Thrupp, the last very dreamy: ― then to have my hair […]

Monday, 29 April 1861

[XXX]1 ― a sad morning! Dry & cold. Mr. Wood Miss Wood            most pleasant & nice Lady Mary Wood Lady Elizabeth Grey [Sir] Francis Grey later these 3 ― also delightful2 Fred Sykes. ――― at 5: greatly altered, but a good kind fellow ―: it is not easy to resume […]

Sunday, 28 April 1861

Gray. ― dry early. Wrote to John E. Cross. C. Fortescue breakfasted with me ―: pleasant ― much talk of A.P. Stanley’s article on Essays & Reviews. He left at 1.20. I went out (μόνος) & called on the Godleys: J.G. is  I think ill beyond hope, & she looks sadly. ― Then on Wynnes, […]

Saturday, 27 April 1861

Quite dark till 12 ― fog ― & rain. Then snow! (It snowed to 2 or 3 P.M.) Of course no work could be done. Foords men came, & fixed in the Damascus & Beirût. Sent the old sketch or design of Bethell’s Parnassus to Sybella Clive as her wedding present. Lunched at 3 ― […]

Friday, 26 April 1861

Dry ― gray ― cold: dim ― Ἃς μοῦ βοηθήσῃ ὁ Θεός!1 ˇ[came] Mansfield Parkyns, who staid till 3 ― from 11. Gibbs ― F.W. C.S. Fortescue. Charles Dixon ― who used to be at Sass’s2 ― in 1834,5, & who has been in India ever since. !! Later ― Lady Goldsmid, Mrs. & Miss […]

Thursday, 25 April 1861

Dry ― gray ― Worked at Cedars ― but very brokenly. Mrs. Mildmay, & 2 daughters came. Octavius Smith, Mrs. Smith, & Col. Nicholson. Later, C.M. Church ― good kind fellow. At 5 I went out, & called on Col. Sykes, Crakes, Bethells, & Col. Hornby. Dined with F.L. ― who came home with me […]