This blog was devoted to the publication of Edward Lear's Diaries from 1 January 1858 to 12 May 1862. From January 2009 each was posted exactly 150 years after it was written and the project came to an end on 12 May 2012, the bicentenary of Lear's birth. The text is as exact as possible a transcript of Houghton Library MS Eng. 797.3. You can keep following the diaries at the new blog.

Sunday, 5 January 1862

Stormy ― west wind ― & high.

Spiro is better again.

Wrote to Ellen, & to Mrs. W.F. Beadon, till 1.30[.]

By 2.15 ― reached Spiro’s ― dirty & wet, for it rained.

Spiro is somewhat better, but I feel by no means ˇ[feel] assured of his total recovery. There were all the family except Ἰωάννι, & Χριζὸς. ― Τατιαννὲ was there ― a woman with great grace of form ― & fine make ― & a beautiful face. Fancy George having said a word of his wife ― the ancient dodger! Returned by 3.

Church at 3.30. Craven preached ― & not badly.

Afterwards called on the Decies ― & ate Lemons. ―

“Home” by 6 & dressed ― & to Sir C. Sargent’s ―

Pleasant evening ― only A.D.V. is too absurdly dreamy & abstracted=bosy[.] Sung AT. ―

Home by 11.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Sunday, 5 January 1862

Saturday, 4 January 1862

Cloudy all day ― & S. wind.

After breakfast, as I began to work on the Florence, ― G. came, dreadfully alarmed, saying that they had sent for him, as Spiro had a relapse. At 11, I, unable to work easily, called on Mrs. Herbert, & then went to Spiro’s, whom I found better after having been bled, but I cannot help fearing, very ill still.

Returned & worked, & read till 3. ―― Day very gray.

Letters from Mrs. Beadon ― W.F.B. is always worse ―
Dickenson ― (Major Reynolds wants a picture of Corfû.[)]
Mr. Edwards
Holman Hunt
& Ellen. ―

4 to 6 ― walked ―:

6.30 ― dined ―

8, sent George to his Mothers for the night.

Penned out Butrinto drawings till 10.20.

South wind ― but little of it.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Saturday, 4 January 1862

Friday, 3 January 1862

Same weather ― a few clouds: none yesterday.

Worked at Florence till 1. Sir C. Sargent called.

Spiro continues better.

At 2 went to Ascension Platforms, working there till 5, & returning by the One Gun road, ― walking with Col. & Mrs. Herbert & Miss Fergusson.

Dined at 6.30 ―: penned out till 11.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Friday, 3 January 1862

Thursday, 2 January 1862

Weather the same.

Unwell & indigestible. Worked at Florence al day ― but badly.

Walked out at 4.30 ― & called at Spiro’s, who is better.

Dined at home at 6.30, penned out till 10.30.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Thursday, 2 January 1862

Wednesday, 1 January 1862

Weather perfectly lovely.

Ἀς δοκιμάσωμεν νὰ ἀρχίσωμεν καλὰ τὸν χρόνον.1

G. came at 7.15. Spiro is a little better.

Worked at “Florence” till 11 ― recolouring sky, foreground, & city.

Put by my work, as calls must be made to day. Also ― Taylor’s bill of 59£ overcometh me.

From 11 to 2, made calls on Decies, Luard, Sargent, Woolff, Bridge, Stockley, Barr, Sir G. Bullen, Sir H.J. Storks, Peel, Boyd & Loughman.

2 to 4 ― penned out ― Cormayeur sketches.

4 to 6.15 ― walked by the Neo Parga road ― & the usual round. The Mountain’s wonderfully beautiful ― peach=rose, the sea dark purple gray ―N. wind.

Met Sir C. Sargent who tells me Spiro is better, & asks me to dine on Sunday, wh. I wish to do.

Dine at 6.30 ― & dress ― & pen out 1856 sketches, till 9.30, up to which time the Maudes, who have asked me upstairs ― are still at dinner: ― a serious bore, as I had rather fgo to bed. ―I must now send George to his mother’s.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Let us try to begin this year well (NB). []
Comments Off on Wednesday, 1 January 1862

Tuesday, 31 December 1861

Same glorious brilliant weather.

Giorgio returned at 7 A.M. Poor Spiro lies in the same state.

Penned out drawings: incapable of thought=work. No letters by Trieste boat.

Hutton & Sanson called.

G. who was out from 10 to 3 ― says Spiro is much the same: it is Pleurisy ― but they hope, by bleeding again, to prevent danger. Nevertheless, φοβοῦμαι.1

At 4 ― walked out & was overtaken by Craven ― whose brother married Mrs. Slingsby Bethell’s sister (!)― much talkin[g] of Hackwood, Gussie Bethell &c.

Dined at 6.20. George went home afterwards. ―

Penned out Φιλάτες drawings till 9.15. Sleepy ― tired & to bed.

Ούτως ἐτελίωθη,2 1861.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. I am scared (NB). []
  2. Thus ended (NB). []

Monday, 30 December 1861

Same lovely weather ― but cold in the shade.

At 9 ― went out ― principal shops shut by order of the L.H.C. owing to Prince Albert’s death.

Took 4 rooms at the Hotel S. Giorgio for Miss Goldsmid &c., from the 20th at 10/ a day if they stayed a month, 12/ a day if less than a fortnight.

Returned & made tracings of P. Pelissier & Cormayeur. Giorgio not returning ― I wondered what has occurred & go down to Post ― getting an Observer or the 22nd. ― (Meet Count G. Henckel ― going off to Alex.dria.) Returned, & penned out ― Ponte Pelissier.

At 2.30 George comes in & says Spiro is taken violently ill ― I fear bronchitis or diphtheria ― 3 doctors are with him. I greatly fear he will not recover this time.

After placing my tracings on canvass, I went out at 4.30. ― & walked by the new Parguenote road ― & so round by Kastrades.

At 6.30 ― found G. had returned. Poor Spiro is in the same state. Dined at 7 ― & afterwards G. went home, & I suppose will sleep there.

I penned out Philates drawings till 10.30.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Monday, 30 December 1861

Sunday, 29 December 1861

Particularly lovely day.

Wrote to C. Fortescue & ˇ[T.] Cooper, & H.J. Grenfell, & Mrs. Scrivens.

Went to Church at 11.

At 1 ― saw rooms at the Hotel S. George. At 2, to Sir C. Sargents ― (where was Count G. Henckel,) & then walked with Sir C.S. to Εὐροποῦλι ― wonderfully lovely view thence.

Dined at Mr. & Mrs. Decies ― very pleasant young Luard there.

Returned at 10.30.

Wrote to dear good Mrs. Empson.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Sunday, 29 December 1861

Saturday, 28 December 1861

Fine all day ― bright & not over cold.

Boles all wrong ― & headache.

Painted at Butrinto & Dead Sea ― but ill enough.

Post 2 papers ― weekly express {16th to 18th | 18th to 20th} & a letter from T. Cooper ―with Insurance receipt &c.

one also from C.F.

Mr. Harcourt died on the 19th! As F. says ― “surrounded by death on all sides ―” ――― one feels really.

I could not work any more but walked out at 4. ―Meeting the Herberts returned with them.

Dined at 6.45.

Penned out but little.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Saturday, 28 December 1861

Friday, 27 December 1861

Turin half day.

Warmer ― & quite fine! ˆ[nearly] all snow gone off Salvador ― & the sun nearly all day.

9.15 ― to 1. Worked at Turin[.] ― Afterwards ― 2 skies of Philæ & Olympus.

Then Col. Maude came in.

Afterwards Bolland & his sister ― all which unsettled me: nevertheless I did a little of Butrinto foreground.

At 5 ― to 6.15. Penned out a small Janina sketch: 6.15. wash brushes & dress.

7. Dined ‘upstairs’ with the Maudes. Col. M. ― Mrs. M. & her brother ― (who seems a sort of p caste?) Dinner & “entourages” ― not good, or well ordered. ― All extremely “Irish.” ―

Yet Col. M. used to go to breakfast at Shrewsbury House, & asks if there was not a “very pretty daughter ― Sara, & also one, less pretty but very nice, Lucy?”

ἡτον, μὲ φαίνεται.1

Came down at 9.15 ― & penned out again till 10.50. ― ossia2 11. at the last of the Jánina drawings here.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. The was, I think (NB). []
  2. Or rather. []
Comments Off on Friday, 27 December 1861