Tuesday, 17 September 1861
Calm & gray all day ― but hardly any sun. Cold, thereby. Evening, feeble moon.
Letters from
Book ― Dodds abroad, recalling the many Levers.
afternoon ―
L.J. Goldsmid, &
Mrs. Chaworth Musters.
Worked hard at times ― Dead Sea: ― then a little at Petraja ― & later at Whitmore Thebes.
Dined on vitins. Talked with the “brothers” out of window.
At 6.30 walked to G. Scrivens, & sate till 9.30, when G.S. walked back with me.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 16 September 1861
A fine day ― barring 2 showers: but cold.
Worked at Athos ― part well, part not.
No letters of any sort.
Wrote to Daddy Hunt.
Little boy next door came in to see drawings.
Dined at 4 ― sole solo, al solito.
Van Crake & old Mr. Harness came ―.
Walked out from 6 ― & sat “looking at the moon” ― till 8. ―
Wonderfully sad & blank & weary, tho’ better in health.
I think I fix to stay here thro’ next week, & then go up to town ― stopping 2 days at the F. Goldsmids. Then, whether or not I come down again with the pictures, I do not yet know.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Sunday, 15 September 1861
Wrote letters answered
1 Mrs. Bergmann ――――――――――
2 S.W. Clowes ―――――――――――
3 Dalziell. ― posted from 9 Pelham Pl. ― with 14 ˇ[drawings for] woodcuts. ――
4 Augustus L. Egg ――――――――――
5 James B. Edwards. ――――――――― 19th
6 C. Fortescue ――――――――――――
7 Lucy Goldsmid ―――――――――― 17th
8 John Gould ―――――――――――― []1
9 John Harford ――――――――――――
10 George Kokali ― posted from 9 Pelham Pl. ―――
11 Ellen Newsom ――――――――――― 19th
12 Admiral Robinson ―――――――――――
13 Lady Westbury ――――――――――――
Finish all day ― but cloudy & windy & cold ― & at night showery.
Letter from Dalziell with 13 proofs of cuts. Wrote all the morning.
At 3.30 walked to Hastings ― G. Scrivens, & from 4 to 5 talked & read. ―
Dinner, only Mr. & Mrs. G.S. ― good & pleasant, & also the evening.
Rainy at setting off ― but it cleared. ―
Oh! that noisy sea!
Too maw weex hear! O mi i!
oh love of change ― oh changeful life!
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- The date is blotted. [↩]
Saturday, 14 September 1861
Very fine ― but windy early ― & to noon. Afterwards, stormy & showery till 5 ― then fine again, but noisy sea & wind, the moony night.
Worked at Dead Sea, Lake & foreground, & at Matterhorn, & used up colours in beginning a Via Reggio sunset.
Letters from
J. Gould ― with 2 sketches of ducks ― beautiful.
Mrs. Frith &
Also at night, from
S. Bergmann, W.B. ill.
At 5 walked to Hastings, & sat with A. Fowler & his wife ― a very nice woman, till 7. Then walked back, looking at the break up wreck of the Collier wh. could but get off shore last night; ― & dined at the Sussex Hotel.
It grows cold now-a-days ― & I aweary: ― to stay ― or not to stay.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Friday, 13 September 1861
Cloudy ― then rain more or less all day: ― from 4 to 7 very hard. ― & stormy wind ― rough sea.
Worked at La Petraija ―trees & Cypresses till 3: ― rest of day ― at Athos, painting the sea from the window, & making fun with the little boy next door, who tries to look proper, but explodes at the pictures of my book of nonsense.
Letter from Gush.
Wrote to Dickenson.
Dined at 4 ― one sole: dinner lasted 20 minutes. At 7 walked, cloaked, on the beach, till 8.30.
But Ann, Ann, Ann, ― will never come again. O dream ― life! ―
I feel that 11th March more today than ever if possible. ― Yet the rest of life must be more, rather than less lonely ― one would think.
I begin to think a fortnight more will advance the 8 pictures sufficiently ― but I cannot decide what then as to plans.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Thursday, 12 September 1861
Same ― wonderful Paradise weather.
Queer mechanical life I lead! ―
Breakfast ― uncomfortable ― bacon uneatable, & tea cold.
No letters. Wrote to
J. Gould.
Dalziell & later
Mrs. Hunt.
Looked over Nonsenses, & gave some nonsense prints to the little boy next door.
Painted at the 2 Thebes all day, but wearily.
Letters ― at 3 from Mrs. Husey Hunt
Ellen Newsom
& Lady James ―
At 6 walked to Hastings, overtaking G. Scrivens & “Sam” Ashton?
Dined at the G.Sc. … good dinner & passably pleasant. W.S. came in afterwards. Sang ― later. George S. I seem to see very much aged. ―
“Home” by 11.35 ― whereat Miss Thurnwood growled. ― It is however ― good 2 miles, too far for driving distance.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Wednesday, 11 September 1861
Most perfect paradise=day! no wind: all sun & quiet.
Worked pretty well all day ― at Matterhorn & Sc[h]loss Elz. Letter from Manby ― asking me to Eastbourne, to which replied, & sent one to Wyatt also.
At 3.30 came Mrs. Augustus Hare & Mrs. Charles Stanley ― (Charlie’s widow,) ― a very pleasant visit. Mary Denison died in the hills ― when her father was away to see Lord Canning: ― sorrow indeed.
Dined at 4 ― roast fowl: but ale little.
At 6.30 walked to Hastings: Mrs. G. Scrivens returned ― which is a joy come back ― for her life=like heartiness is a boon. [Stayed] there ― & had some grouse & sherry. Talk of T. Potter & his life.
G. Scrivens is not well it strikes me ― at all.
Home by 11.
Send the Philœ Bought Photographs from Mr. Crake. ― O dear, I wish I could see Lina Denison before she goes away. ― Eh! There is little solid [belief] in meeting again ― or we should never so grieve at parting. ――
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Tuesday, 10 September 1861
A wonderfully calm bright warm day ― all through!
O the calm loveliness of this morning, ― if one had but time to enjoy it! But I must go downstairs & mix paint.
Painted a sky to/of Petraja, ― uncertain as to result, yet the whole looks well.
Breakfast. Letters from nobody: but afternoon post Sybylla Mildmay ― I don’t think [A1].― quâ letter.
Read Savonarola.
Wrote & sent photograph of Gibbons to Lady Maria Stanley of Alderley.
The day ― as to work was eccentric, & unconventional. I went out at 9.30 ― & drew rox for the Athos ― & then painted sea from the window: ― but it so occurred ―it was “calmer & calmer” & there was no wave at all to paint. Then I took a book to Mrs. Crake, & said I’d dine there. Then returned & painted on the Athos, & by fits played. ― At 6 went to Mr. Crake’s ― Van & Mrs. V. there. ― [Fifi’s] birthday but there are no children like the P. Hornby’s. ―
Talk of G. Waldegrave in various ways. Mrs. V.C. played: I neither played nor sang. “Home” by 11.
(2 brothers & a 3rd smaller, of a family next door, I shall be sorry to see going before I do: they are so attached & good.)
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 9 September 1861
Very pleasant & fine all day.
Painted pretty constantly all day ― at Joannina, & the 2 Thebes. ― & showed Petraja. Letters from,
J.E. Cross ― very nice.
Emmy Penrhyn, d°
Lady Westbury ―d°
Emily Beaufort ―d°
afternoon post ―
Mrs. G. Scrivens. ―
Wrote to J.E. Cross
Miss E. Beaufort
Emily Penrhyn
& Mr. Gush.
Dined at 4 ― a sole solely ― solus.
At 4.30 went to G. Scrivens ― & he came in at 8 ― sate with him till 9.15, home by 10.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Sunday, 8 September 1861
Fine all day, cloudy at 4, rain at 10.
Rose latish ― 7. Dirty water &c. ― these lodgings are not as clean as of old. ― Letter from F.L. ―
Wrote to
1 Gussie Bethell ˇ[answered]
2 S. Street.
3 E. Newsom. ―― 14th
4 F.L.
5 Mrs. Evans
6 Mrs. Musters, ― 7
7 Mrs. Hs. Hunt. ― 14th
8 C. Hansen.
At 12.30 ― or 1 walked ― by the cliff & old Daddy Hunt fields, to Fairlight. Sate from 2 to 4 quietly at the Martineaus. ― Enjoying beyond description the quiet garden & flowers. Then, with Alfred, Bob, & Miss M. walked to the Glen, & Lover’s seat ―: beautiful as it is, the crowds of people spoil its repose. Returned, & dined at 6, pleasantly. Mrs. M. is a very superior & delightful woman ever. ― At 9.30 came away, with Alfred & Bob who kindly saw me down to below Barham’s. Thence alone, ― & at the Post Office ― rain: ― home by 11. ―
Rayther in the morbid: ― anent my letter to Gush ― those to C.C., J.J.H., & J.E.C. ― G.’s arrival & various other nonsenses: ― & wishing to be away from here ― if so be the paintings were but done!
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]