Friday, 9 November 1860
Cedars. 19th day.
Very cold ― & fog till 11. Letters from C.F. & J.E. who I hope comes tomorrow. Wrote to them, & to W. Sandbach.
Painted ― but not vehemently till 4.
Then walked by the river, but could not get round, & returned late.
After Dinner, could not paint.
Bed early.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Thursday, 8 November 1860
Cedars. 18th day
Giorno piuttosto felice.1 Rose at 7. Very lovely cool day, but sunny & clear. How absurd is this climate ― how topsy-turvy inside out! ― After breakfast ― alone ― & paper ― walked on the terrace, & then at 10 ― & until 4 worked at the Cedars ― pretty hard.
Walked then to opposite Shepperton ― & back by 6.
Εγευματισα μονος: επειτα ζωεγραιζα ολιγον δια την ζωγραφίαν της Μασαδας.2 ― Painted till 9.
Played & sang ― to myself, & an exterior housemaid. ―
Wrote [or] Greek &c. &c. till 11.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Wednesday, 7 November 1860
Cedars. 17th day.
Alack. ― Breakfast at 8.30
from 10 painted, but with awful fits of κῶμα.1
Improved the Cedars ―: did some Θουκυδύδης.2
Walked to Weybridge ― after 4 ― & back by 5.30.
Visit of W. Tottie & the 2 Raleighs to my study.
Dinner: ― 2 strangers. ― Much talk with the old society ― but at 9 they went away.
The 2 Melbourne lads are really nice youths ― & very intelligent & pleasant: & I am only glad that they go, because it saves me vexation & regret which I should have had at their going after a longer stay.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Sleep, or coma; Nina writes: “Until recently κῶμα primarily meant deep sleep, slumber, not only coma. Last time I thought he used it metaphorically, which is why I agreed to ‘coma,’ but now I am not so sure. (How could he have awful fits of sleep? Or coma, for that matter. Poetic license, I suppose. Unless he was narcoleptic.)” [↩]
- The correct spelling of Θουκυδύδης would be Θουκυδίδης, Thucydides, the historian (NB). [↩]
Tuesday, 6 November 1860
Cedars. 16th Day
Very cold ― & mostly gray ― but dry. ―― Rose at 7 & till 8.30 arranged rooms. Letter from C. Newton.
By 10.30 was at work again on the Cedars ― & to do the sky all over ― took me till 4: ― the darkening the sky improved all ― as Daddy predicted.
Walked from 4 to 5.15. ― Then wrote.
Don’t like the cold ― tho’ I only suffer cutaneously as it were. Mr. W. Tottie & the 2 Raleighs are come ― which I am glad of. ―
Dinner ― lively & pleasant. The Swedish V. Consul is a well-informed man & jolly. Jones ― indefinite. & the 2 little Melbournes.
Afterwards, as they kept sitting on, I said I would come to the smoking room ― & did so: & staid till 11.
M. Huish the director was there. ………
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 5 November 1860
Drew 40£ from Drummonds.
Rose at 5.15, ― at 5.45 in a fly & Station, cold. Inn comfortable. Leicester at 7.15 ― Rugby at 8 ― where breakfast ― tea & roll for 8d. ― At Blisworth Times ― & read to Euston Sqr. at 10.30 ― by 11 ― at Straford Pl. ― Began to pack for going away ― when lo! J.B. Harford ― to my gt. pleasure. He & Mary H. came this morning from Antwerp ― from Bonn. B. Bunsen is in the same state as Mrs. Schwabe described ― but may last for months. I then walked with J.B.H. to Drummond’s ― & back to their Hotel, where was Mary H. & Constance & Alice: 2 nice children, but not obedient. ― Mrs. John talked a good deal about the Baron & Madame, & no doubt those days were days of strange sorrow & comfort. ― We all had much fun about Mrs. Schwabe. ― I lefthem [sic] ― very pleased to have seen them, & called on R. Hay at 2.30. ― He was most wretched ― & canot bear being alone. I soon came away: it is too dreadful to see & hear him: quite terrible. I find Giuseppe leaves him at Marseilles ― he says he can’t bear this life longer: & I suppose Lady H.C. will ― if ever the poor man goes ― be with poor Mrs. Hay till he dies ― so no other help is needed. Yet I doubt if he ever will get to Malta ― as he struck me to day as greatly changed. ― Thence to Stratford Pl. ― & at 3.15 to Waterloo ― & rail to Walton. Hewitson was in the train.
All “the lights were fled” as Raleigh said. Only the sad Jones supped ˇ[supping] surreptitiously soup ―: no one else.
My rooms seem very comfortable, but I would the pictures were all done. Yet I fancy I have done well in coming here: though after Annesley it is rather queer & lone.
Πρέπει νὰ ὑπάγω νὰ κοιμηθῶ.1
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- I must go to bed (NB). [↩]
Sunday, 4 November 1860
Rose at 8. Cold here ― but clear & dry: & I am not unwell.
Ghosts nil ― tho I do confess to somewhat queer & weird in the place, ― perhaps from knowing that so many of the inmates believe in the place being haunted. The coincidences are odd enough ― anyhow. ― The butler & so many of the servants declaring about the sigh & groan ― & the former, that a “form” passed him on the low stairs near the hall: ― under which 2 months afterwards ― (this is 20 years back,) a skeleton was really found. It is evident Miss M.A.C.M. fully believes in all. ― It is ˇ[also] as evident that the mention of M.A.C. coupled with Byron’s ― is unpleasing to the C.M.’s: ― as it appears to have been to old M. & M.A.C. herself ― as bringing her name into notorious connexion with lord B.’s: & not very unnaturally so. ―
After breakfast (church in afternoon,) C.M. ― P.H. & I walked out. First, however, C.M. paid me my 140£ ― very nicely & kindly: & there is no doubt he is a kindly fellow ― only ― ἀς στέκη, ὁμοῦ, ἀς συμβουλεύη ἀπό τὴν γυναῖκα:1 for she is wonderfully good & wise too. ―
We 3 went to see Beagles ― & Hounds ― pigs, oxen & all kinds of creatures, till I waxed cold; ― then we walked to the “Diadem hill,”2 & down to the water & the Deer park, & saw Horses, ― & Tinker the [old] dog was beaten for rabbit chasing. ― Returned by 2 & changed dress ― & packed. Lunch. 2.45 Church: the same old triangular pew with a fire in: Mr. Twizell, who preached a very foolish discourse, ― in some matters. ― Ποι ― home by 4.30 & we all walked in the garden ― except that delightful Miss Hammond who had a cold. Yet few women I ever saw are to compare to Mrs. C. Musters ― whether for nice dress, good looks, perfect Lady manners, good strong sense, good taste, ― natural fun & liveliness & naivete ― & yet withal a constant halo of religious purity. ―― Later, played with their boy, a darling little chap:3 ― then sang ― but, while singing his last song, the Dog cart was announced. So I fled abrupt: ― a kindly lot indeed. “Come whenever you wish & as often as you can.” ― It was dark as we drove down to the station ― & I waited there for 30 minutes: a sad [cutting] worry empty feeling depressing me. All the stations in turn, at Nottingham by 6.45. ― George Inn. Good [continues at the bottom of the next page:] dinner. German waiter, X1.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Nina writes: “I guess he means ‘let him stand by the woman and take advice from her.’” [↩]
- … the hill
Was crown’d with a peculiar diadem
Of trees, in circular array, so fix’d,
Not by the sport of nature, but of manByron, “The Dream.” [↩]
- If this is John Patricius Chaworth-Musters (1860-1921) he must have been very young indeed. [↩]
Saturday, 3 November 1860
Ἐσηκῶθης ᾽ς τὰς ἑπτὰ, ἀλλὰ ἔμεινα ᾽ς τὸ κρεββάτιον, διὰ τὰς σύγγεφας ἀπὸ τὰς ὁποίας ἧτον διόλου σκοτεινὴ ἡ ἠμέρα: (καὶ πολὺ κρύον.) ᾽Σ᾽ τὰς ογδω, ἐνδυματισμένος ὦν, ἔγραψα εἰς τὴν Ἄνναν, διαβάζων πρώτων τὸ βιβλὶον του, τὴς Γεολογίας. Καὶ, τώρα, γράφω ταύτα ― εἰς Ἐλλενικὴν δε, διότι ὅλα τὰ πράγματά μου εἶναι ἀνοιγμένα καὶ χωρὶς θήκην, ― ἐπειδὴ ἔχασα τὸ κλείδι πρίν νὰ ἀφίσω τὴν Λονδίνον: ― καὶ ἐὰν γράφω Ἀγγλικὰ, δὲν θὰ διαβάσει ἥ ἀναγνώσει ὅλον ὁτὶ γράφω οἱ ὑπηρέται; ― Οἱ οὐρανοὶ εἶναι ὀλίγον λαμπρότεροι τώρα ― καὶ ἐλπίζω ἀκόμα ὠς θὰ ἔχωμεν καλὸν καιρὸν.1
Breakfast pleasant. Afterwards ― drew & played: ― little boy Musters. Miss Hammond is very nice: her mother is M.A. Chaworth’s daughter.2 ―
Walk solo in the Park. Deer. ― Lunch, Mrs. C.M. Miss C.M. Miss H. & I. Talk of Ghosts: the skeleton: the sigh: the butler &c. ― Soon after at 2 Mrs. C.M. drove me with the ponies ― just as last year ― only in finer weather ― thro’ Linby & Papplewyck3 ― (Walters away,) & the rough green lanes, to Newstead. To day it was most beautiful. We walked ˇ[half] round the water ― & I drew. Then the house ―: the lower monked rooms: the Cloisters, the gardens, so beautiful! The terraces! the close alleys & ponds: the balustrades & the Abbey arches ― the Dogs tomb. ― Inside, the tapestry & rooms, & endless care of Col. Wildman: the room of Byron ― just as it was: the great drawing room ― & the dining room: the skull ― &c. &c. All so sad & wild & strange, remembering too as I did all my early thought & reading ― & that I had thought also at Janina & Greece ― & Spezzia. ― A strange dream. Mrs. Shepherd the housekeeper very nice. (La Guiccioli had been there last year: ― Lady Lovelace once. ―) So I came away ― & I dare say Mrs. C.M. wondered at my interest ― for indeed they consider ― at least the Musters do ― that Lord B.’s verses & admiration of their grandmother was a liberty.
We drove home ― & I walked till 6 on the Terrace.
I have joined the family party.
Dinner, pleasant, al solito.
[At the bottom of the previous entry:]
3rd Later sang.
It is long since I passed as pleasant a day.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Rose at seven, but stayed in bed, because of the clouds that darkened a good deal the day: (and much cold.) At eight, already dressed, I wrote to Ann, having first read his book, of Geology. And, now, I am writing this ― albeit in Greek, for all my things are open and without a case, ― because I lost the key before I left London: ― and if I was to write in English, wouldn’t the servants read or study everything I wrote? ― Skies are a bit brighter now ― and I still hope that we shall have nice weather (NB). It is not clear whose book of geology Lear had been reading. [↩]
- For Lear’s interest in the Chaworth Musters family history see the new Blog of Bosh. [↩]
- Papplewick. [↩]
Friday, 2 November 1860
Colder ― & finer. Packed: ― & at 10 off to Rail. ― This time the packing was more serious ― & I hardly know how much more I may be here this year. ― At 11.30 left Euston Square: large German Lady ― who gradually came to be Mrs. Schwabe ―: she had just come from Bonn & told me much of Bunsen’s last hours: ―― but latterly ― as she talked always without stopping, & was political in extreme ― I grew horribly bored, & was glad when she left at Beeston. At Nottingham, I waited till 4 ― & by 4.30 at Linby. Dreary villages of Lenton, Radford, Basford, Bullwall, & Hucknall ―
Soon ― a carriage from Annesley: ― it was getting dark, grandness of Annesley Park: Deer ― old house: & even now many remembrances. ― Mrs. M. ― A.N. ― Miss M., & Miss Hammond: later J.C.M. ― & Mr. P. Hammond. The same hearty kindliness as before. Unpacked drawings, which were liked, & it was pleasant to see how interesting they were to all. ― Room: dinner; ― singing: bed at 11. ― The whole family is really essentially pleasant & good.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Thursday, 1 November 1860
Very fine & clear & colder. Resolved to go to the Musters. ― Wrote there. ―
Overlooked drawings ― & packed omnia. Dickenson came: ― 7 drawings packed. ―
C.F. sent to ask to dine: ―――
At 4 went to Foords ― Marsh’s ― lampmaker’s, & chemists. At 5.30 cab to S. Bergmanns.
The 2 Bergmanns ― [] came most kindly & friendly. Mrs. Someone ― daughter of Rowney the Colourman, & a young Baring Gould were there. Sang amain. ― Walked home.
Letter from Ann, who is going to Gravesend.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Wednesday, 31 October 1860
Fine, & colder. ― Headache, “quod era,” ― ˇ[W. Beadon called.] Worked but little ― at Cross’s Baalbek. Edgar & Mrs. E. Drummond came. ―
Later, Ann: who is better a little ― yet more aged ever. We passed our day very harmoniously. Lunch at 1. ― She went at 4. ― I, to Mr. Hays. (A Montgomery & H. Chaney coming out of the room;). Mr. H. was perfectly awful: ― but the D. of Wellington coming in ― he cheered up, ― introduced me as “a painter of eminence,” & did the ancient patron over again: ― it seems to me his ailment is more mental than bodily somehow. ― Walked from 6 to 6.45. ― Then to O. & C. Club ― & here was F.L. ― there was some unforeseen dinner, so we had to dine at the St. James’s Hall, a new, & agreable place. F.L. struck me as more matter of fact ― καὶ βέβαιως ― ἐκείναι αἱ ἡμέραι ἐπεράσθησαν!1 ―
Neither was I in good tune.
F. came home with me ― & looked at the 7 drawings ― & went at 10.30.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- And surely those days are over (NB). [↩]