Tuesday, 30 October 1860
Fine. It is always now-a-days ― but foggy & dim. ― The 2 Raleighs came ― also E. Drummond. ― Worked at Cross’s Baalbek. At 3 set off to Woodberry.
Arrived there, ― going for a cab, which cost 4/ but found W.N. much “out of sorts,” seeing that Willie is ill ― & they fear fever. ― I ― ἀυτὸς ἐγὼ,1 ― do not know what to think of this. ― ――― I was, dunque,2 not to sleep there. ―
Dressed in W.N.’s room. ― The Dinner was, 1. W.N. 2. E.L. ― 3. Ralph ― a nice good & clever lad, 4 Milnwood,3 5. Mrs. Milwood, 6. Jane Oridge! ― 7. One Mr. Leashman? 8. His sister, Mrs. Black, 9-10 ― Mr. & Mrs. Windsor, 11-12. Dr. & Mrs. Tunaley. 13. Susan Head 14. Mr. Tilly.
The dinner, however plenteous, was singularly ill arranged & served ― & poor W.N. was sad. When the ladies went he was as opposite ― so that I was glad when we left.
The Mr. Windsor seemed a Danish Merchant, & knew Marstrand ― & Pugaãrd ― whom I dimly remember to have brought me a note in Stratford Place in 1850. Converse chiefly [] [on] the Road murder. ― Easy ― music & some singing. ― Sent home in a phly ― at 11¾ .
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 29 October 1860
X 11 X
Off the rails again! ―― Ahi!
Rose at 7 ― not well. 8 to 9½ ― saw the 2 Nuneham pictures hung up.
Breakfast. ― Left at 10, Sir H.J. Willoughby also.
The French Princedom at the Station.
Stratford Place: not at all well.
Slept ― κῶμα1 till 2.
Lunch. Worked at Cross’s Baalbek.
At 4 walked towards Daddy Hunt’s ― but met Egg ― who told me Daddy was at Hastings: so I walked back with Egg.
Boles out of order.
Musters’s 7 drawings came back framed.
Went to R. Hay’s: found him ill enough. ―
At 7½ went to Edgar Drummond’s ― a most pleasant evening. Mrs. D. is really interesting ― but was unwell, & looked so.
Talk of Greece & Sinai.
& D. walked partly home with me. ―
I wish Γιώργιος would write.
Letter from Lord Clermont, declining the Civitella.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- [In a] coma. [↩]
Sunday, 28 October 1860
Particularly lovely ― quite summer. ― Rose at 7 & wrote till 9.30. Ann, Gibbs, Elizabeth Beadon, ― Mrs. Clive, & Mrs. Scrivens.
Breakfast. Sir H. Willoughby amusing. ― Afterwards ― wrote & talked with C.F. ― & at 1 walked with Ward B. C.F. & Lady W. ― Lunch, pleasant. ― Read. Later, Duc d’Aumale. ― Later, finding no one about, walked solo ― Teddington, Hampton Wick, & back by 5.30. Talk till dinner.
Miss Cyfritt & the Miss Moneys & Lady Ida W. ― too much chaff ― Ward B. &c. ―
Table turning ― wh. bored me awfully.
Later, more in my elephant ― tiring ― till 11, when Lady W. went to bed.
Τὶ πράγματα.1
Ὅναρ ― εἶναι ἡ ζωῆ μας: βέβαιως.2
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Saturday, 27 October 1860
Fine all day. The 3 AT songs=proofs, came. ― Worked at Musters Interlaken, & finished it at 1 ― or 2 P.M. Took it to Foords, & sent for the men to place the Nunehams in their case, ― wh. was done, & at 4 I took them to the Rail. 5.30 at Strawberry ― Lady W. very much pleased with them. Only C.F. & Sir H. Willoughby guests. ― All to dine ― o! botheration ― at Orleans House ― so at 8 we went there. Dinner party ― the Duke & Duchess ― & young Prince de Condé: ― Lady of honour, Tutor, Marquis de Somebody & son. Dinner good, but an awful bore to me ― who can’t bear royalty life. Queer enough that I should dine with the Princess of Salerno’s daughter, remembering the days of John Wynn ― & J. Battersby. It has an odd effect to sit among people so removed in history & feeling from one’s own place of life ― & to feel that all the most remarkable points of the French past are linked with them: ― Enghien, Guise, ― Condés ― & all Bourbonisms. They do not forego royal ways ― nondimeno.1 Afterwards saw some very valuable miniatures, from Francis 1st downwards. Louis 14 ― 15 &c. & Louis Philippe at 12: ― with the Prince of Salerno as a naked Cupid of 3! DelaRoche’s murder of the Duc de Guise ― & Gerome’s Duel ― & a Lumi are striking pictures, with Scheffer’s last work, The Queen of the French’s portrait. But I grew “very weary” ― & was too glad to talk to Sir H. Willoughby ― [&]2 came away at 10.30.
C.F. sate with me afterwards, till 11.15.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Friday, 26 October 1860
Extremely warm ― as all these later days. But not bright, except a gleam of sun at 2 or 3 P.M. Letter from F.L. ― ὁ ἵδιος ― κάι ὁ ἵδιος ἁγαπητὸς.1 ― Wrote to him. Drew. ― Poor dear Ann came, she is pretty well ― yet less strong. Letters of Mary & R. Boswell ― painful enough. Foord’s people came, & took away 4 unfinished pictures & a canvass: ― but, in placing the Nuneham pictures in frames, some wood dust marred all the painting until it be dry. So it could not be fixed in ― & I was as cross as 500000 bears.
At 1 ― Lunch with Ann: ― & drew again after ― but I was very cross. She, poor dear, went at 3.30. ― I then out, & called on the Crakes. Mr. C. very very feeble ― kind old man! ― Mrs. C. M.A.C. & Mrs. H.C. ――― Then across the park, on to Mr. Hays by 5. People there ― so I did not go in. Then to Col. Hornby ― he was in: ― & Windham came in: the latter robust: the former feeble. Gave my sentiments about the Lord Derbyisms ― or my lady Derby’s. ― Home by 6.15. Dressed, & to Ferriers ― where was only James Edwards. Mrs. F. is doubtless one of the most well-bred, charming, intelligent, & pretty women I have seen ― apart from her relationship to James. I was not as agreable as I should have been, but I was “maddled” ― & cross. ― I came out very forcibly at times, in talent of various sots. ―
Col. Hornby told ὅτι ἡ Κωμιτίσσα Δέρμπι εἴπε μίαν φορὰν — πρὴν νὰ ἥναι Κωμιτίσσα – “ἐὰν ποτέ εἷμαι Κωμιτίσσα, κανείς τῆς Φαμίλιας Ὅρνμπι θὰ εἰσέλθη διὰ τᾶς θύρας τοῦ Νῶσλη.”2
And she has kept her word. No Hornby was at Knowsley at Lady S.’s wedding.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Thursday, 25 October 1860
Damp ― not dark. ― Rose at 6½.
Arranged pictures & wrote till 8.
Breakfast. ― Got in readiness the 1Beirût ― 2Damascus, 3.Interlaken ― 4.Bethlehem, 5.Φιλάτες, 6.Zagori, 7.S. Sabbas ― & 8 Philœ for Oatlands. Then worked at Lady W.’s 2 Nunehams ― & finished them. Ποῖ, fell fast asleep. Then arranged watercolour drawings & drew at Beirût till 2 or 3. ― Slept again.
At 3.30, James Ferrier & delightful little Mrs. Ferrier came: & looked at drawings till at 5 ― James Edwards came: & we all walked to Piccadilly. Rain. Call on Mr. Hay: Lady Hamilton Chichester there: poor old gentleman. ―
Called on R. Curzon: out: ― & C. Massingberd, whom is always a pleasure to see. From 7 to 8 walked up & down Burlington arcade. Then Blue Posts & C. Fortescue: who is livelier & healthier then of old. His story of Mr. Hamilton is sad enough, of Mrs. Ruxton bright & good. Chi good. ―
We talked till 10 ― & walked afterwards. Home ― nearly 11.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Wednesday, 24 October 1860
Off the Rails again. Breakfast at 8. Off in car by 9.
Rail from Micheldever at 9.36
Bah! ―
Stratford Place by 12. ――
Arranged & unpacked & wrote letters.
Fine day. Calls on Edwards, C.F. Mr. Hay, Col. Hornby & others. ――― Saw Mr. Bilton Mrs. Macbean’s uncle.
J.B.E. came up at 6 ― & I to him. At his lodgings μοῦ ἔκαμε μίαν ὁμολογία ὅτι ἡγάπα τῆν ἀδελφὴν τῆς Κυρίας Δροῦμονδ — ἥγουν, Μίζι Λίζερ.1
Much thought thereon.
Home by 10.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- He confided in me that he loved the sister of Lady Drummond ― i.e. Miss Lizer (NB). [↩]
Tuesday, 23 October 1860
Rose at 6½. Warm gray morning: robins singing in the Cedar trees. ― rain. Drew: Beirût.
Flies in this room ― & hunt thereof.
Prayers at 9. Breakfast. Lady Arabella very cheery ever. ― Nice children of T.G.B. ―
Shewed drawings. ― ― Played & sung ― Mrs. B. &c.
Drew in my rooms. Lunch. Drew for children. Drew & read. 5 to 6. Talk with Sir. F. ― young Lefêvre. ― Dinner. Mrs. B. ― alas! how different to talk with! “Had she been in Rome? o yes! o ― well I don’t remember.” ― But out of care for T.G.B. I always avoid noticing her queer folly. ―
Played & sang. Wished good night to these kindly nice people. ― Sate till 12.30 with T.G.B.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 22 October 1860
Wonderfully bright lovely day! ― “Packed.” ― Breakfast. ― Took leave of the 2 young Raleighs ― Totties ― Cruse ― Cochrans &c. &c. &c. Saw Mr. Lyle in bed. ― Paid bill. Lunch: & off to Weybridge at 1. ― …… At Micheldever by 3 ― sent for by Stratton ― there before 4. ― Home quiet place. ―
5 to 6. Walk with T.G. Baring ― who, to my taste, is as delightful a fellow as exists. Letter from Frank his boy: nice. 2 other children of his also nice. ―
Wrote & sent letter to Lord Clermont ― about the Civitella: a “decided utterance” ―
Dinner ― Sir F. & Lady A. Lady Charlotte Howard & one Capt. Powell ― & the rest family (sic).
Ολίγον βαρὺ.1 ― Sung a little.
From 11 to 12½ in T. Baring’s room.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Somewhat heavy (ΝΒ). [↩]
Sunday, 21 October 1860
Fine, gray ― “autumnal” ― all day.
Breakfast ― having risen at 6.30 ― & drawn “Beirût” till 8.
At 10 Mr. W. Tottie, & the elder Raleigh came to see these drawings. Both are pleasant & intelligent: Raleigh is a curiously interesting fellow. ―― Afterwards, I sate & drew till 1. ― Ποῖ,1 ― lunched. ―
Then, walked with W. Raleigh ― over St. George’s hill. Damp the day ― & gray ― & I not well: but the conversation of the youth made me forget it. ―
To Byfleet, & Addleston ― & so the Hotel by 6.
Very merry dinner at the table d’hôte. (Queer man Cooper: & discussions about tabledhôteism afterwards.) ―
The 2 brothers Raleigh are certainly the most interesting “youthful Anglosaxons” one has met for a long time.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Italian “poi,” then. [↩]