This blog was devoted to the publication of Edward Lear's Diaries from 1 January 1858 to 12 May 1862. From January 2009 each was posted exactly 150 years after it was written and the project came to an end on 12 May 2012, the bicentenary of Lear's birth. The text is as exact as possible a transcript of Houghton Library MS Eng. 797.3. You can keep following the diaries at the new blog.

Tuesday, 11 September 1860

At work by 6. Cold but bright. ―

Letter from S.W.C. ― worked always at the Edwards’ Bethlehem. Breakfast alone at 9.30. Letter from S. Clowes always in the North.

Lunch with B.H.H. at 1. ―

Worked very hard till 4.30. ― Then walked out on those beautiful downs ― to Mt. Caburn & back ― solo.

J.G. Blencowe ― & Currie at dinner.

J.G.B. is always a real good-hearted man. ― And now he is in parliament at least brute Bowen’s prophecy is unfulfilled ― “boor” ― “lout” ― & “utmost he’ll do is to drive a plough.”

Exquisite fine day.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Monday, 10 September 1860

Rose at 5 ― very fine, but horribly cold.

Began to work on Mr. Edwards’s Bethlehem. B.H.H. out with rifles & did not return till 11. ― I breakfasted alone at 9.30. Letter from Louisa Shakespeare & Sarah Markham.

Lunch at 2. Worked on till 6. Then walked on the hills, & came back with the riflemen.

Dined at 7 with B.H.H.

Later, a nephew of old Mr. Mabbott’s came: Mr. M. died to day.

Rain at times all day.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Sunday, 9 September 1860

Quite gray ― & very cold tho’ dry. ― My cold bad.

Wrote. ― At 2, & to 5 ― walked to Caburn Mount with B.H.H. Dark & gloomy as a December day ― but no rain.

Dinner at 6 pleasant.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Saturday, 8 September 1860

Drew 10£ from Drummonds. Lewes

Very unwell, cold better a little, packed. ―

Called on P.W. who goes on pretty well.

To Drummond’s: ― hair cut & back.

London Bridge by 2, having sent off canvass 2 days ago. At Lewes by 5.

Walked with B.H. who is alone ― Mrs. H.H. at Weymouth. Dinner.

Sleepy & unwell ― & I fear cross. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Saturday, 8 September 1860

Friday, 7 September 1860

Fine. ― Dickenson came ―about frames &c. &c.

Ann came ― in better health: & went at 4.

Remaining things came from Rome.

No time to go to P.W.

Dined at W.F. Beadons. Sir T. Abdy & son, Mr. Secker, ― the W. CockburnsVansittart Neales, & others ― a large party.

The two Nunehams framed.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Thursday, 6 September 1860

Great Masada ― 3rd day

Did little all day. A little work at the 2 Church’s drawings ― a little at the large Masada. Went to Williams at 4 ―Gibson & old Levern there. (Levern said to P.W. ― [“]your operation is nothing to one I had once on my own eye. A nail 7 inches long was shot into the corner & the head was level with the eye so that it was rather ornamental than otherwise:” ― “was it not uncomfortable?[”] said I quietly. ― “Not at all ― but the taking it out was: & occupied 3 hours, & it was difficult not to crush the eye altogether, only it had curved round it, & so did not hurt the brain!” ――

Dined alone at the Blue Posts.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Wednesday, 5 September 1860

Bethlehem ― 1 ― day.

Still unwell. Fine day. ―

Beadon & little Willie called.

Worked at Church’s Damascus: & outlined Edwards’ Bethlehem.

C.A. Knight came, & staid 2 hours.

Worked: dined at 3 ― hastily: & worked till 6. ― Called on P. Williams. Incoronati & Gibson there.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Wednesday, 5 September 1860

Tuesday, 4 September 1860


Fine now always. ― Cold & cough bad.

Drew at Damascus & the Cedars. ― At 1 C.F. came. ―

Story of 2 Omnibus Drivers discussing offers to the daughter of one. “Why not have Bill… he is well off ― &c. &c. &c.?” ――― “Because you see I likes eddication, & Bill, tho’ a good fellow, is such an illiterate b――. ― Would you believe it, I saw one of his love letters to my daughter, & from beginning to end, wherever it was used, ― the word c―― was spelt with a k!! ――”

Worked at the Cedars till 5, dined at home. Walked to P.W. J.G. there. W. progresses, but slowly. (cold & cough bad ― mine.)

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Monday, 3 September 1860


Quite fine. ― Cold bad. Sir H. Ward dead. ―

Letters from C.F. & wrote to him & others.

Worked a little at Church’s drawings ― & afterwards, at the Cedars in oil. ―

Could not work after 2. At 3 went up to Z. Gardens: Monday, sixpenny day & great crowds. Could get nothing to eat before 6. ― Came to P. Williams & sate till 7.30. J. Gibson came in. ―

What crowds of happy people & children!

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Sunday, 2 September 1860

Rose late, fine. Expected W.H. Hunt, but no one came. ― Cold bad. Dawdled. ―

Called on P. Williams. Goddard Buckner & Co. there. Walked to Waterloo Br. & rail to Richmond.

To Mr. Hays: he is now quite blind, & (Giuseppe is with him,) his state is absolutely terrible. Μου φαινεται οτι τι πραγμα τι ειναι ― δεν  φανερον ― εις το νους του: δεν εμπορω να εξευρω.1 Dined with him, & back by 9. ―― Cold very bad.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. It seems to me that the thing is ― not evident ― in his mind: find no commerce. []
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