This blog was devoted to the publication of Edward Lear's Diaries from 1 January 1858 to 12 May 1862. From January 2009 each was posted exactly 150 years after it was written and the project came to an end on 12 May 2012, the bicentenary of Lear's birth. The text is as exact as possible a transcript of Houghton Library MS Eng. 797.3. You can keep following the diaries at the new blog.

Saturday, 1 September 1860

Perfectly fine all day ― αλλα κακη ημερα ειναι προς εμε!1

Rose at 5½ ― & worked till 8, packed. Then deer & the trees. Breakfast ― but no time for &c. before starting ― whereby I became ill & worse when I got home at 12.


Slept, could not work.

Heard of P. Williams being at C. Eastlakes ― alone & in the dark. ― Went there & saw him, poor fellow. ―

On to Ann ― with a nosegay ― but she was at tea with 2 friends ― & I ran away [gr.]2

Dined at home. ― Still ill, bad cold & indignation.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. But it is a bad day for me! []
  2. παλα πολλα [], perhaps meaning παρα πολλα, “too many,” then a word I cannot read. []
Comments Off on Saturday, 1 September 1860

Friday, 31 August 1860

A really fine day all through, & a happy. ―

Rose at 5. The deer & those [tall] trees!! ― Worked at C.M.C.’s Dead Sea, till 8.45. Prayers ― μακρη ειναι η θρεσαια εδω.1

Breakfast merry & pleasant. Mary Chester is going to be married to one Phitzgerald ― who must at least be a sensible fellow, & I should think a good one. ― 10.30 to 12 showed Palestine views with much “acclaim.” Walked at 12 to Mr. Legge ― saw Mrs. Howards & other portraits by Edwin Long. ― On to Leatherheadd. Poor Ellen: ― dined with her. ― Letter from Mrs. Smith of Charmath enclosing one from poor Mary; she speaks well of Charles [] Street, & says little of Boswell: ― I hope she may return: ― walk back by 4 ― & worked till 5. Walk with W. Legge. ― showed drawings again to him & Barbara Chester ― & sang Idyll songs to her. Dinner pleasant. The Curate ― additional.

Evening ― sang a good deal ― και καλα.2

Αυτη η ημερα επαρανε παραπολυ καλα: και επιθυμω οτε εμπουρουσα να παρασω αλλας τοιοτας.3

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Long / far is the []. []
  2. And well. []
  3. This provincial day [was] good: and I do not wish to trade []. []
Comments Off on Friday, 31 August 1860

Thursday, 30 August 1860

Masada 3rd day

Rose at 6.30.

Letter from Spillman: tin received. There is now but one year’s rint (sic) to pay. ― Wrote to Ann, C.F., C.M.C. & others. Long reading of Times.

Did a little to the 2 Nunehams ― but “muddling” ― & arranging drawings occupied most of my time.

Later, retraced & reoutlined the big Masada.

About 3, Majr. & Miss Reynolds Yates came ― but I was obliged to dismiss them ― as going to a Railway. She is gossipy & a bore: he ditto. ―― At 4.30 cab to Waterloo ― & rail to Epsom ― 5.30 ― arrive 6.10. Mrs. H.’s omnibus to Ashtead. Dressing time.

Mr. W. LeggeH.t Paget, 2 Bagots & one Mrs. B., wh. was a Chester. ― Lady Augusta Seymour ― a “Harvey” (men, women, & Harveys) & her daughter ― & General A. Upton. Mrs. G.H. ― dear good old lady ― older: otherwise the same grand old lady. ―

Much of the narrow old [Forgion]1 riles me now ― (not in her ― she was always a Xtian, ) but it is more foolish to speak. ――

Lady A. & Miss P. played. I sang, but [these well] alla AT ― incomprehensible to them, except perhaps Mrs. G.H. ― To bed at 11. ――― Ah! Very calm moonlight ―but dim & darkling! Yet the repose I now so seldom enjoy = the absolute quiet of these stately moveless trees! ――――

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. I am not at all sure of this word, might it be a conflation of “forgery” and “religion”? The whole page is quite difficult to read. []
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Wednesday, 29 August 1860

Large Masada ―― outline ― Day 2

Rose at 6. Penned. Rain at times.

Worked till 2 ― Nunehams, & outline of big Masada ― wh. I did all wrong & must do over again.

Called on Mrs. Beadon, at Wynnes, & Cock’s on Daddy Hunt, Eggs. Bus to Sloane St. & cab to Severns ― left book, out. ― back to Sloane St. & falling in with P.E. Coombe, walked to Trafalgar Square with him.

Fanny C. is very unwell. But on the whole the evening passed very pleasantly.

Bus back by 10.30.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Tuesday, 28 August 1860

Large Masada. ― 1. day

Rain at times ― & gloom always.

Letter from ET. Lady Simeon is dead!

Penned out a good deal ― & finished all the 1858 Palestine views.

Worked a little at the 2 Nunehams.

Later began the squaring of the great Masada.

Edwards came at 6 ― & at 7.30 we dined at the Blue Posts. He goes tomorrow.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Monday, 27 August 1860

Raining, of course. However, the B.p of Oxford has decided on praying for change of weather ― λοιπον ― ειναι να ελπιση, τος.1 ―

Unwell: ― indigestible & rheumatic.


Worked at penning out remaining Palestine sketches ― & also at the Morning Nuneham ― off & on ― dilatinly

at 5 Gibbs, 6 N. Johnson came ― they are off to Messina ― so we made “notes of travel.” The are good huming=beans.

At 7 to W.F. Beadon ― the last day before Mrs. B. returns. Little Willie goes [] Wellington College. ―W.F.B. fades, poor dear fellow, fades away.  His 20th child is near at hand. His talk of his father, & of his sister Bruce was touching in the extreme.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Therefore, there is hope, [] (GT). []
Comments Off on Monday, 27 August 1860

Sunday, 26 August 1860

A fine day!!!!!!!!!!

(But it clouded at 6 & rained at 8.)

Drew: garden ― & dined.

At 3 W.N. & I walked to West Green & walked at the old house ― now a Tulip-fancier’s one Mr. Williams. ― Back to Woodberry ― & tea. Guy Pelly N. ―

Brougham to Islington. Called again on Ann who is better. Found a letter at home from Fanny Coombe & wrote to her.

West Green, Woodberry ― Holloway & “the Ride” ― Hornery Lane, HintonsHaywoods &c. Holloway road ― Arnolds, Francis’s, Mr. Hicks &c. &c. & so to Grays Inn Road ― 38 Upper North Place ― & what a vast crowd of small memories from years of past life!!

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Sunday, 26 August 1860

Saturday, 25 August 1860

Extreme torrents of rain all day long: & very dark.

Painted but little at the 2 Nunehams.

At 2 went to Dr. Rimabault’s ― & on to Ann who is better. Back to Stratford Pl. ― & then W. Nevill’s, with whom to Woodberry ― & dined. “Penned out.”

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Friday, 24 August 1860

Rose at 8. Rain all day ― & quite dark, could hardly work at colors ― but penned out.

Captain Jameson. Mr. & Mrs. Coleridge, ― Major Edwards & Mr. Hawker, Mr. Morier & Burnet M. called. Dined at Blue Posts with C.F. who returned with me.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Friday, 24 August 1860

Thursday, 23 August 1860

Rose before 6. Penned out till 8. ― Fine early ― but as usual cloud & rain after 12.


Letter from Emmy Penrhyn.

Deadly “low spirits” ― but I worked at the Nuneham Church-field picture & at Cedar Lebanon sketches all day off & on. W.N. came at 2: always pleasant & good. Then I took leave of Gush, who goes to America on Saturday. ― Certainly these are most comfortable lodgings.

At 5.30 ― to Egg’s ― 6.30 dinner.

Mrs. Egg: ―――

Holman Hunt ―― Wilkie Collins & ― Pigott.

Dinner & wines very good. ―

We staid till 11.15. Then W.C. & I set off to walk, but Daddy did so too & talked ever ― & ever “willful=obstinate.” ― So I got onto a cab, & came home.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Thursday, 23 August 1860