Wednesday, 22 August 1860
Absolutely pouring rain till 10 ― then dark gloom, & wet more or less till 6: then half an hour’s sun ― & rain again!! ―
Letter from Ann ― I think somehow better.
― Mrs. Greville Howard ― very nice & kind & I will go if possible next week.
― [pm] F.L. who writes from Berwick: he only comes here 1. ―
So I sate down to breakfast not over beaming. At 10 Dickenson took away Gibbs’ Cerbara ― so goes that! & I went & saw it hung at 24 Mount St. ― Returned ― arranged Sicilian drawings of 1842, & worked at sheep in the Nuneham picture from 2 to 7.
At 5.30 J.B.E. came & sorted drawings: & went at 7. At 8 I dined alone on cold beef: & 9 to 10.30 penned out.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Tuesday, 21 August 1860
Finer ― absolutely no rain all day ― no sun though.
Letters from Mrs. G. Scrivens: Mrs. Severn. Macbean.
Painted at the Church field Nuneham ― off & on. ―
Dear Ann came ― extremely unwell: & I grow very anxious about her. ―
Came Dr. & Mrs. Tunaley, W. Nevill, J.B. Edwards, & Daddy Hunt. ― With the latter at 7.30 I walked home & dined. It is always a pleasure to be with him.
Walk & cab home by 11.
Madness & death of John Luard.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 20 August 1860
Rose at 6 ― grayish fine till 5 or 6 P.M. when al solito ― rain. ― Worked at colouring penned drawings. ― “Painted up” skies of the 2 Nuneham views. At 1.30 Archibald & Mrs. Peel came: A.P. was always a nice fellow. ― Afterwards, Jameson ― who wants me to do another small picture.
Heard of C.A. Knight being here ― & at 5 (― coming back again with Augustus Egg,) went to find him: ― out: then to Foords ― & home in a cab.
At 7 W.F. Beadons ― no one else. ― Evening quiet & pleasant, & I hope he seems better. Later he told one or two of his exquisitely funny magisterial “experiences” ― only his imitations are they lost. Once, a very respectable looking woman came for a summons against a neighbor for abuse. How ― & what &c. &c.? ― O! She could not tell! too bad! &c. &c. ― “Then ― there could be no summer-time valuable &c. &c. ― So ― after much difficulty, she came out with great force ― “Sir! she called me the most appropriate names ― W―― & b――h ―” Whereon the court roared & she rushed out. ― 2nd case ― Woman ˇ[cook] came to sear child to young footman ― serious Chaplain family. “Much religious preface ― backsliding &c. seductive unprincipled man &c. &c. too much for her at last sat. ―
Footman stands hands hanging down ― speechless. Housemaid witness afainst him ― constant attention ― &c. pious life &c. &c. ――― Have you anything to say? ――――― Footman brushes up & attitudes ―― “Well Sir, do you think that once against the stump of a tree on Clapham Corner could have got a child out of such an old creature as that?” ―――― Magistrate. “Possibly: ― so I must &c. &c.” Moral. Clapham Piety &c. &c.
What I hear of Catherine Vaughan & even of A.P. Stanley is terrible.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Sunday, 19 August 1860
The same gloom ― & showers ― mist & rain, & after 4 ― pouring.
W. & I sate at home all the morning ― but at 12 we just got a little turn in the garden. At 1½ dined ― Guy only besides ourselves.
Much talk about the boys & Mary, & an odd ανοιξις δια την αδελφην της συζυγου του.1 ―
Carter ill. Romps with Guy.
Talbot drove me to a cab, & thence home by 9 or 9.20. ―
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Springtime by the sister of his wife (GT). [↩]
Saturday, 18 August 1860
Pouring rain. Worked at Damascus till 1.
At 4 came W.N. in his Brougham, & we drove to Woodberry ― deluges of rain, & Carter the Coachman unwell.
Dr. & Mrs. Tunaley at dinner ― & only Guy besides. Dr. T. is very much aged ― & Mrs. T. λαλᾶ παραπολυ ως πρωτον.1
Singing ―: & talk.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Crows overmuch as the first (GT). [↩]
Friday, 17 August 1860
Damascus day
Rose at 6 ― & worked at Damascus all day.
At 5 J.B.E. came.
Dined at the Blue Posts solo.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Thursday, 16 August 1860
Damascus ― day ―
Raining mostly: ― Worked at Damascus all day.
Dined at 1.
Tea at 8. ―
Penned out drawings.
Nobody came all day!
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Wednesday, 15 August 1860
Rose at 6 ――― Prepared to work at Damascus. Breakfast. ― Foord’s people came, & at last (*) closed nailed & pasted the Gibbs’ Campagna. ―
Worked at the Damascus.
At 11 Hallam & Lionel Tennyson & their nurse came. AET could not come.
Weary ― & slept from 12.30 to 2. Lunch. Came, Majr. Reynolds & Miss Yates ― distinctly irrelevant bores: ― I showed them Calabria sketches, but they talked of Mary & Col. Hanley &c. &c. &c. & I was not sorry when they went.
At 5 J.B. Edwards ― who arranged Sicily drawings. ― Walked with him ― (of course, rain,) to his club & dined at 8, & to his rooms afterwards. His are undoubtedly a fine head & heart: ― a good lad. ―
(*) first sketch ― 17 january
2nd ― 7 & 8 February
10th February began the outline on canvass
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Tuesday, 14 August 1860
Gloomy all day ― but no rain till 5.
W.F. Beadon breakfasted with me.
Cab to Drummond’s ― to Tennysons ― & to C. Fortescue ― & home.
Ann came ― & we passed a very tranquil quiet day.
W. Nevill came & Milnwood ―& Sir J.C. Jervoise.
Later ― J.B. Edwards.
At 7 dined with W.F. Beadon, ― pleasant, ― but I cannot see hope of his living long.
ειπε, δια την Αρχοντισσην Φρανσες Ουαλδιγραιφε, αυτην να ειναι πολυ πτω λην ― και να ζητηση, να δανειση, Χρηματα αω ολους. ― Δεν εξευρω εαν ειναι αληθεια ― ταυτα, ― φλυαρια.1
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Beadon said something about Lady Waldegrave being in debt, having borrowed all her money, but Lear does not know whether this is true. [↩]
Monday, 13 August 1860
Apperiently fine early ― but it was all cloud & some rain after 10. In the evening it rained always.
Found a letter from ET ― asking me to go to Burlington House. Painted little at the everelasting Cervara. Slept. Then arranged drawings. At 5 Edwards (& Hawker) came. ― at 7¾ ― went to the Commons: but no C. Fortescue. H. Seymour was very good-natured ― & insisted on my dining ― so I was obliged to do so ― alone. ―
At 9 to Welds. The W.s away ― & ET unwell ― but there were the Brookfields, Spedding, Palgrave, ― & AT & Mrs. Bailey ― (a Pattle) & daughter. I sang somewhat, but not very well. Home by 12.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]