Sunday, 12 August 1860
Rose at 6. Morning cold & gray & damp: Have to reclose the window. ― Penned out, & drew till 9. ― Walked in those beautiful woods till 9.30.
Breakfast ― Sir R. proposed a walk. Some to church. Sir R.B. ― I, & W. Howard ― went out: the white Pony ― Pearl, ― old Brighton the dog &c. &c. Walking thro’ the park, & then to Heriot park, the place of ― Jervoise ― the same cub wh. married M.K., & went with me from Milan to Florence in 1837. ― Pretty walks. Thence to Hashwood. Lunch. ― Afterwards we went out again ― with Wally & Gussy ― to the Gardens &c. Apopletic fury ― &c. ……
Walk alone with Sir R.: ― who is very amicable & pleasant. είπε ότι τωρα λεγει Χαρτια δινα, δια τον Βασιλεα των Ελλενων ― απο την Σονερνηοιν μας.1 ―
Pines & squirrels: ― Halls, & Greek, &c. &c. ―
Drew again from 5 to 6.30. Dressed & dinner. Particularly pleasant dinner ― converse &c. W. Howard on India &c. Sir R. is wondrous queer in some things ― & his reading of the Bible & his talk of Genesis too absurd. ―
I sang “too late” to please Gussie ― & after we talked. Queer little Charly Abraham.
Perhaps this is one of the pleasantest of Hackwood days. ―
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- He said that now [that a Constitution was made?], by the King of the Greeks ― []. [↩]
Saturday, 11 August 1860
Rose at 6. Dark & pouring rain till 10. Finer after, but always raining at times. ― Worked somewhat at the Everlasting Gibbs Cervara. ― but Nicola the Cabinet maker came, & much time went in his arranging the new cabinet &c. After wh. the rest of the day collapsed in arranging drawings.
At 4.30 came to G.W. Railway ― & at 4.50 off ― going by Reading & Mortimer ― to Basingstoke by 6.20. Fly to Hashwood.
At Hashwood were Sir R. & Lady B. ― Gussie & Walter ― & Will. Howard. Then dinner ηταν πολυ κακον, αλλα ολα αλλα πραγματα αρκετα καλα.1 Sir R. Was very pleasant.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Was very bad, but all other things good (GT). [↩]
Friday, 10 August 1860
Rose at 6 & packed till 8 ― (a little walk on both sides of the house ――) breakfast, read a bit, & at 9.15 to the Station.
A glo-glo-gloomy feeling is over Neneham ―, if Lady W. is not there. When she is , ― it don’t matter how large or small the party is.
― The morning was gray ― not wet: not abominable. ―
And so I came to town by 12. Packing, unpacking, & arranging rooms took me to 2. Then I went to Foord’s & other places, (once it rained,) & to Miss Yates: that lady introduced me to Miss Wyse ― & ομιλουσα μεν ολοι δια δας Αθηνας.1
Then I walked to the Evans’s. W.E. & Mrs. E. were gone abroad, but Mr. Gisborne & poor Mrs. G. was there: she has quite lost the sight of one eye, but the other’s is restored by Bowman’s operatioin. She asked after George ― & Spiro ― & if they were married & what children they had.: ― she is a truly kind woman ― & it is no wonder that poor G. used to speak of her in his illness as “quella donna santa.”2 ――― Returned home ― & sorted drawings till 7. Dined ― Ω! πως μονητικος! ― at the Μπλου Ποζς.3 ― home by 9.30.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Thursday, 9 August 1860
Rose at 6. Windy & cold ― but what they call “fine.” ― Yet as there was sun one minute, & all dark the next, ― I found it impossible to work. After breakfast at 8 worked on ― irritated. C.F. & C.B. & Lady W. ― Lady W. & Mr. H. went at 12.
C.F. & I walked then ― & ate strawberries ― at 1 ― lunched with him & C.B. ― & then they went.
Tried to work again ― but could not, ― for it grew black as night & rained; & besides the loneliness of this place now is unbearable. So I shut up ― packed & cleaned ― & resolved to go tomorrow. ― Drew a little at the upper view ― & at 4 walked; to the village of Nuneham & back by 6 ― then to the Carfax ― where were many people dancing & singing. It is now 7 & the evening is purple & lovely ―: to me a bitter απελπησια1 remains only ―― chords long forgotten, & I thought long dead ― have given out fresh sounds tonight when suddenly struck. Καλητερον ειναι να μη μελετα τες.2
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Wednesday, 8 August 1860
Indigestion. ―
Κακη ημερα.1 At 5½ ― & 6 ― rain ― so I slept rising at 7. ― Made an Alphabet for little Constance B. ― Breakfast 8. ― Pouring rain. Penned out, ― & read, & mooned] ll the morning. Lunch with all at 2. ―
At 3½ ― sky clearing ― went to Church fields view: heavy rain ― then clear. Undecided if I have spoiled the painting or not. C.F. & C.B. came ― but I desire to rest.
Hurry to wash brushes & be in by 6.15. ― Dinner.
I have come to the conclusion that [gr.]
Evening in the library. They at Whist: I looking over an old book with Mr. H.
C.F. came to my room afterwards.
ειμαι κουρασμενος και πως!2
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Tuesday, 7 August 1860
Rose at 5.30. Quite fine & purply-clear. ― ai! ˆ[αλλοι χρονοι!]1
Was at work before the house was awake ― by 6.15 ― but the changing cloudy sky made the work difficult. ˆ[(. breakfast alone at 8.)]
At 11 ― as I found the clouds rising, I drew outline of Oxford, ― & returned to the Terrace. At 1.30 took my things to the Church field, ― & at 2 gave 10 minutes to lunch. ― Then worked at the 2nd[,] drew till 7.20. Once it seemed certain to rain ― & I insensibly got my view all black & spoiled: but, not giving in, I regained somewhat, ― though even now I do not know if the 2 pictures will be completed, or thrown away.
At 7.45 Dinner, Lady W., & Mr. H. having returned, it is his birthday. ――― Later , we were all in the Library, &, till 10 arranged Photograph cards.
To bed: Δεν είμαι ευτυχής, ― αλλά, όταν ήμουν ευτυχής ποτε;2
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Monday, 6 August 1860
Fine very early. Rose at 5.30 & by 6.30 was at work on the Terrace ― though it soon clouded. At 8, breakfast solo. At 9.20 saw them all off ―. At 2 it began to pour torrents, & all was dark cloud.
Lunch with the Governess, Laura & Ida Money, & Constance Braham. Read & talked till 3.30 ― when it held up enough for me to work under the porch, ― so I did till 6 ― cold though! ― Wet walk to Oxford Lodge.
At 7 dressed ― teas & meat: ― very quiet evening, & making a Nalphabet for C.B.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Sunday, 5 August 1860
Rose at 6. Morning very bright & lovely. Wrote. And drew a few details on the Terrace.
Breakfast. Fortescue late. ― Church. ― This late breakfast & sudden Church sono da rovinarsi.1 ― It seems I am to stay on ― the 2 Miss Moneys ― Miss ’afryte & little Constance, my companions. ― ― Till lunch, gloom & cloud: ― & 2 as desolate almost as in Knowsley days: ― I walked to the Lock Bridge, & meadows, & half round the Park, ― Knowsley often in my memory. ― αλλαι ημεραι!2 ―― At 5 returned, & showed drawings to sundry. Then a short walk with 40scue ― but broken by rain. Dinner, Mrs. Malcolm, & Lady F.H. ― pleasant enough. Superb Lady Selina, how grand & charming! Evening sang. ― ― ―
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
Saturday, 4 August 1860
Rose at 5.30. Gray & misty. Got everything ready, & before 7 was at work on the Terrace. It began to rain, but only by showers, & I worked on. Breakfast alone at 8. Worked till 12.30. G. Vernon & one or 2 others being near me at times. ― Shut up shop, εκατουρ η σα1 &c. ― & a rapid Church brought me to 1.30 ― & by the time I had moved my things to the Church field, & had begun work there, it was 2. Afternoon fine. ― Worked till 6.30. ― Lady W. C.F. C.B., G. & Lady S. & Mr. M., & Lady E. Bertie, coming by, but quiet enough. Took things in, & from 6.45, to 7.15 ― a short walk with C.F. The deer & the Park ― & memories.
Dinner ― Lady F.H. ―: ― evening middling. ― I weary of restraint ever. ― I hear they all go on Monday for one day, & on Thursday entirely!! ― But either I remain to complete these 2 pictures, or I go utterly also, & “come no more to this golden shore.”
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]
- Like a million (? GT). [↩]
Friday, 3 August 1860
A bad beginning for August ― truly.
Could not settle to work, but applied to a rummage, ― as the rooms must be cleaned.
Pulled out all things. Found Wood & Dawkins’,1 (lost,) but no clothes. ―
At 2 called on the Fosters ― but they were away. At 4 in pouring rain came to Gt. Western. Henry H. Bruce there. ― & G. Vernon. ― At Culham were C. Braham, & his pretty child.
Sang afterwards ― but am not over merry. ― διοτι η δελεν ειναι ειχαροζημενος;2
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]