This blog was devoted to the publication of Edward Lear's Diaries from 1 January 1858 to 12 May 1862. From January 2009 each was posted exactly 150 years after it was written and the project came to an end on 12 May 2012, the bicentenary of Lear's birth. The text is as exact as possible a transcript of Houghton Library MS Eng. 797.3. You can keep following the diaries at the new blog.

Thursday, 14 June 1860

Woke early, ― but slept again, & rose at 8. Letters from J.E. Cross ― & B. Chapman. ― Began to work at those dreadful Parnassii, but F.L. came in, , & Charles Wynne later, so I did not do very much. ― And at 3 I went out & called Col. Clowes, ― & to Daddy Hunts Pictures, (where was W.G. Clark of Peloponnesus,) & then on Miss Yates ― & various others. All this town seems absurdly small, & wearily tiresome: ― & life too. Returned at 5 ― &

X6 X

O confusion of existence!

& slept.

Waking, she found it was too late to go to Brompton, so she painted for an hour, & then, sending for some bold ceef & bable teer, ― she dined.

Afterwards came Edward Holmes ―: exactly the same as ever: ― he stayed till half past ten, & I was truly glad I was in.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Thursday, 14 June 1860

Wednesday, 13 June 1860

Fine throughout, but very windy. ― Rose at 7. ― After breakfast went to Mills in Oxford St. & bought furniture. Returned. Arranging rooms &c. ― Invitation from the Evans’s. ― at 12 Mrs. Musters came, , & saw the various pictures: a delightful, good, & sensible little woman. Then J.B. Edwards, ― discourse of his parient [sic], &c. Then the new bookcase & sideboard, & thence fresh arrangement of books &c. &c. ― Then came Richard Church ― who is a really good & pleasant man: he was evidently pleased with all he saw. At 5.30 called on Wynne, ― saw W.W. ― on Col. Hornby ― who told me all the news, which is little. Terrick Hamilton, ― Beauclerks, ― Clermonts, & Percys, & home by 7. Dressed, ― calling on Col. Clowes by the way ― & to W. Evans. Mrs. Walter E. ―, Capt. Storey ― old: ― a Mr. Balguy? (who married a White Ogle) “Dorothy Blair” ― Mrs. Dawkins, & a young Russian. The dinner was good: the whole family friendly & kind: ― everything agreeable.

In the evening I sang various songs: & came away at 11½.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Wednesday, 13 June 1860

Tuesday, 12 June 1860

Inclined to rise earlier, but didn’t. ― Riz at 7. Prepared paints, & after breakfast ― did a very little to the 3 Parnassi ― when it grew dark, & I suddenly thought I would devote the day to changing the bookcases &c. So I pulled all the things away ― & took down all the books, ― & then Edwards came, ― a good boy: ― & we arranged disarranged, & rearranged the 2 pieces of furniture, ― & various affairs, talking the while ― & lunching. At 3, J.B.E. went, & I went on with rearrangements, & then 2 men of Foords came, (also Dickenson, his bill which is 150£!) & replaced the Bookcases, & so by replacing the books &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. … it was 6¾, & I had to dress. ― All the day from 10 to 5 pouring rain. Then it cleared. ―

By 7¾  at the G. Clives. Mr. (Arthur,) & Mrs. C. ― Miss Clark: Mr. Millbanks ― & Mr. Somebody ― [&] Florence Mansfield, which last is very much softer than formerly. ― The Dinner & evening were all cheerful & extremely pleasant: singing &c.: & came away at 12½. ― Home by 1. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Tuesday, 12 June 1860

Monday, 11 June 1860

It seems a wearily sad affair that with all my trouble I utterly fail in the one trial most important.

Rose at 8. ― Gray, cloudy, but not raining,, & lighter. No letter. I wish I could hear from Giorgio.

Worked from 9 to 1 at the Parnassi, Ιας οποιας ζωγραφιας φαινεται που δεν θα ετελιωκλησαν ποτε.1

At 1½ called on Col. Hornby ― & Gibbs ― out. ― Then to Foord’s, looking for a bookcase & sideboard. To Bob Martineaus. ――― To Wyatts ― (having made a long & vain effort to find E.C. Holmes.) ― (remembering my father & a gig ― a gray mare, Peggy ― driving me by Theobald’s Road, & shuddering about a murder close by ― …) & then to other furniture shops ― & finally to the Cabinet maker in Lichfield St.. At 6/15 back & dressed, & a cab to 98 Gloucester Terrace. There were  Mrs. Shakespeare & “Ida” ― Mr. & Mrs. Sayer, & Miss Sayer ˇ[& F.L]. The evening was not unpleasant, ― the dinner good: ― but there was a clashy clangy somewhat, not to be passed by. ― Photographs. ―

At 11½ or 12 ― walked back with F.L. who is as ever, most remote & lifeless as a friend, ― in all the outward & vital signs of union. ―

If one speaks, he is silent: ― if one don’t [sic] speak he is silent: ― & one don’t know if he knows one is here or there or at the devil.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Lear probably meant, “whose painting never seems to come to an end;” των οποίων η ζωγραφική φαίνεται ποτέ να τελειώσει (GT). []
Comments Off on Monday, 11 June 1860

Sunday, 10 June 1860

No rain, but dull: ― after 12 a little brighter.

Slept well, & all the morning walked about with W.N. ― discoursing. Επειτα απω τους πενιντα Χρονους, επαλλ αδησαμεν ολον. ― At dinner ― 2 P.M. ― only W.N. ― Ralph & young Will. He is, I rejoice to say, greatly improved ― thanks to Rifle days. Ralph is an exceedingly clever boy, & with more judgment than most boys at his age, & far more than any of the others have had.

Geoff is in Paris, & writes nicely. ― Walking afterwards, along of the staccato mode of feedin’ in this house: ― the afternoon is fine: green all ―: caterpillars & chrysalis, & other varieties ― [sinful] thrushes & what not: all pleasant. At 8 ― W.N. came with me in the Brougham all the way home.

To bed early ― 9½ ― resolving to rise at 5. ― But, from noise of carriages, sleep imposs ― & besides I must have taken κατι τι να μου ειχε φερει ολιγον αρροζυς:1  ―


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Something that brought me a little [?] (GT). []
Comments Off on Sunday, 10 June 1860

Saturday, 9 June 1860

Pouring rain & quite as dark as in November. ― Wholly impossible to work. ― Letters from J.H.R. & others: had to write &c. &c. ― At 11 Daddy Hunt came, who looked at all my pictures & brightened me up a bit. Λορδ Πάνελα & that story. At 2, went off in a cab & pouring rain (“piove ― Signore)” ―― leaving a note & Magazine with the Musters ― & to Foords, & to W.N.’s at Gresham St. Saw Willie (as a rifleman) ― & Ralph; at 3½ to Woodberry with W.N. ― & R. Dinner, & evening, wherein I was very tired & sleepy. [Ralby] is a nice boy in all ways, apparently.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Comments Off on Saturday, 9 June 1860

Friday, 8 June 1860

Dull & gray ― at 12 rain as usual.

Letters from E.P.Mrs. Coombe & others.

Worked pretty well at the 3 Parnassi ― i.e. pretty steadily. Slept half an hour: & Gibbs with V. Johnson came in. ― Worked till 4.30.

Calls. Wynne ―― Mrs. Wynne ― dead: ― kind merry Mrs. Wynne! How I recall Vœlas, & her walks with me, & the Betties [y] ― wed. || ― Godley ― away: he ill. || Cocks: out. ―|| A. Seymour, who paid his £5 Bassæ fund. Walked with him, & saw the Clives, a pleasure. ― || Sir W. James. || Sir J. Young. || Massingberd. || Met E. Sartoris ― a disagreeable man, & called on Mrs. S. ― G. Duff Gordon screamingly going out. Leighton the painter there ― & another. Mrs. S. struck me as horribly artificial & actress-like. || across the park to Evans. || Cab home. Dressed. C. Fortescue came. ([επιζολη απο τον κινξλοι].)1 A pleasant half hour.  At 8 ― dined with the Chaworth Musters, just the same as at Nottingham, ― & “Carry Franklin.” She is certainly a remarkably nice & I think sensible girl.

Sang a good deal, & came away at 10.30.

To Mrs. (Archer) Clives: a large party: saw various Gordons, Wilsons, & others, & heard some good music: particularly Madrigal singing: ― but I hate large parties on the whole. ―

Rain: ― the weather is always winter. Home by 12.30.



[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. Perhaps meaning επιζωλη απο τον κινξλοι, which might be interpreted, according to GT, as “surviving from the Kingsleys.” []
Comments Off on Friday, 8 June 1860

Thursday, 7 June 1860


Very hideous fate. ― Rose at 8. ― S.W. Clowes came at 10½. Gibbs later. Worked very little, off & on, at the 3 Parnassi. ― Sleeping and reading, midwhiles. ― Wrote to J.B.H., Mrs. Coombe, C.M. Church, & Mrs. Empson. Rain all the morning.

1860-06-07At 3½ S.W.C. came, & as it hardly rained, we walked to the Z. Gardens. The Balœniceps was the most curious brute there. ― The few ― 4 I think ― older keepers, sadly strangely recall those early days of Z. drawing: ― so narrow does the ruin of life gradually ˇ[seem to] become. ―

Cab home, dressed, & to the Crakes by 6½. A changed house indeed. ― Yet Mr. C. is a brave old man. Mrs. C. is more querulous, more Mrs. Nickelby=ious & indescribably queer & harsh & obstinate & selfish than ever, & that is saying much. M. Anne is more undisguisedly bitter & contemptuous, & ungrammatical. ― Yet they cannot help their faults, albeith the faults make their life unhappy. ― At 10 I walked home. Letters from Mrs. Edward Holmes, ―― most kind & unchanged: ― oh! John Sayres! ――― & from Mrs. G. Clive.

Letters also from Ann, & one from S.S. enclosed.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

Wednesday, 6 June 1860

Rain, & stormy. ―― Suddenly prepared for painting, & did paint or painted a good part of the day ―― on one of the Parnassi.

Notes from Mrs. Clive, Mrs. Musters, & Lady Bethell. ― J. Edwards came: ο ιδιος ειναι που πρωτον: ― αλλα δεν εμπορει να πηγαινη ομου με εμε, ως ηλπιζα. Και ουτως τελειωσει ταυτα τα φλυαρια.  ―1

Jemmy” is to be Major next week: he is a good lad.

Worked again till 5: an access of sleep midwhile.

Called on Col. Hornby ― out: Mrs. Farquhar: (M.F. IS married! & to Cosway!) ―― Mrs. Clive: ― & Lady Waldegrave.

At 7 dined with F.L. ― pleasantly.

αυτος και ο ιδικος ανθρωπος ειναι και παντοτε ο ιδιος.  ―2

Returned at 12. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. He is the first: ― but did not get commercial with me, as I had hoped. And so [once] finished the things chattered (GT). []
  2. He and his [relatives?] are always the same (GT). []
Comments Off on Wednesday, 6 June 1860

Tuesday, 5 June 1860

James Edwards is returned ―. Unpacked. ― Foord & all the 18 pictures came; carpets, boox ― &c. &c. ――― F.L. came. ― looking well. τι ειναι, η ζωη μας;1

At 2 went out. Called on Mrs. Sayer, Bethells, Crakes, & Daddy Hunt: with whom sate till 6, then cabbed to Piccadilly. Called on & saw J.B. Edwards. ― Returned to Stratford Place & thence to Tor Villa again, where dined & passed the evening ― home by 12.

Wet nearly all day.

Daddy H. is after all one of the very best of huming beans I have known.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. What is our life (GT). []
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