This blog was devoted to the publication of Edward Lear's Diaries from 1 January 1858 to 12 May 1862. From January 2009 each was posted exactly 150 years after it was written and the project came to an end on 12 May 2012, the bicentenary of Lear's birth. The text is as exact as possible a transcript of Houghton Library MS Eng. 797.3. You can keep following the diaries at the new blog.

Saturday, 5 May 1860


NORTH WIND & CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!

Worked off & on at Jerusalem & other drawings. To Macbeans. V.E. has entered Bologna. Called on Reilly ― who is a very promising young painter, & a nice gentlemanly fellow.

On the K.s also. ―

At 2 came Pozza a “room=letter:” ― but even if these rooms did not let, I could but be glad to leave this odious place.

Worked again ― but very interruptedly.

At 5½ on the Pincian: always disagreeable to me. At 6½ Table d’hote D’Angleterre, ― Cholmondeley there. Altogether noisy & vulgar & odious. ― Returned to find G. out: but he came home soon.

Altogether, G. had better leave me: & live in his own Country: ― many things lead me to this conclusion. His fretting about his wife & children ― (whose existence I did not know of when I took him away,) alters him a good deal.

Let me go to Peru or Rio Janeiro ― or Ceylon ― or N. Zealand.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Friday, 4 May 1860

Apparently settled fine ― fog cleared at 9. ―

Drew a little, & to Macbeans. ― 1000 Irish landed at Ancona & other botherations.1 Came home. G. unwell. Clouds & darkness. Called on P.W. ― & sent for Passports. ― At 2 violent Thunderstorm followed by hail & rain till 4 or 5. What weather!

At 6½ to Macbeans: Miss Webb only there ― & 2 female Webbs afterwards. Miss W. is not σωφοτάτη2 ―: I gave her a letter to S. Saunders at Alexdria. ― Col. Gordon is a delightful old Gentleman. [7 among] his earliest Captain days being at Kendal ― where he used to draw up his Dragoons on the road just after a Gretna Couple3 had passed ―― hindering the pursuers. ― Also he speaks of “a Miss Howard of Levens” “a great heiress in those days.” ―― He is 74, but doesn’t seem 50. The Macbean Casa is certainly very pleasant.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. On the Irish expedition to help the Pontifical State in 1860, see Sullivan, Alexander Martin. New Ireland: Political Sketches and Personal Reminiscences of Thirty Years of Public Life. Glasgow: Cameron & Ferguson, 1878. v. II pp. 21-48: “Papal Ireland.” []
  2. Meaning σοφοτατη, i.e. “very wise” (GT). []
  3. Gretna Green is a village in the south of Scotland famous for runaway weddings. []
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Thursday, 3 May 1860

Sent letter to Alexander Coleman.

Rose later. Ever rain & depressing scirocco: now the very streets are dead. ―― Newbolt came ― to whom I gave 10 scudi: & Edward Coleman ― to whom also 12½ for his father: & then I wrote to Coleman’s brother at Liverpool ― offering 15£ to help C.C. home if possible.

No letters. & G. is uneasy.

Returned: but I am not able to work, unless fixed. ―

At 5 went to RC but he was going out.

To the K.s & sate with Helen for a time.

Then with RC  to the Φαλκώνε ― very pleasant. RC  is a very nice fellow.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Wednesday, 2 May 1860

Finer. Rose earlier. At 8¼ to Alessandri’s, the Photographer, & had Giorgio Phographed. Took the Abruzzi book to show the Aquila brothers ― but I don’t think they cared about it. Little D. Gregorio Masciarelli is also in Rome: ― should I, or not, go to see him? ―― ―― Macbeans. ―

At 2 went with G. to the Cemetery: a ˇ[tolerably] fine afternoon, & all very beautiful: also up M. Testaccio. Afterwards I went on alone, & called on Newbolt, & on Coleman ―: poor C. has had another fit. ― All there is very sad, except the truth & courage of his wife.

Returned at 5 & drew till 6½ at Jerusalem.

Dined at the Angleterre; ― sitting next to RC ― & it was pleasant enough. Two angry disputers on the opposite side of the table.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Tuesday, 1 May 1860

Sent letter to W.H. Hunt.

Rose earlier. Rain & dark. Cleared at 9, & I had 2 photograph portraits taken of myself. ― Looked over an Album of Bonaparte portraits. ― Macbeans.

Letter from W.H. Hunt: the picture finished. ― Wrote to him: ― that is the really finest composition of a MAN ― body & soul. ― I have ever met with.

My day went in buying various small things ― G. says ― “[] Αγιον Ορος.”1 ― & paying bills.

(Why are the little birds melancholy at sunrise? Because their little bills are all over dew? due?)

About 4½ I went to Cholmondeley’s ― & saw Nanna the Modelless: what wonderful hair! ― C.’s painting struck me as careful, but faint, yet, so unfinished I could not tell. Feebleness & care is a better mixture than boldness & contempt. ― Went to the K.s, & saw H. & poor Isabella, who is a little better. The Kennedys were there; & Miss K. said ― “the weather is so bad that Mr. Burgon has begun to day to pray for fine weather.”!

O Priests!

Afterwards, walked with Cholmondeley. 1860-05-012 ― “all about” ― & I was very merry: ― into & out of streets ―& sat by when he had his hair cut: ― afterwards, dined at the Φαλκώνε & returned by 9. ―

I do nothing in these days, but uprooting oneself takes it out of one, more or less.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. [] Mount Athos. []
  2. Part of the page is surrounded by symbols like this one, evidently a monogram for Cholmondeley. In the posts to come this will be indicated by RC. []
Comments Off on Tuesday, 1 May 1860

Sunday, 30 April 1860

Sent letters to Ann & C.F.

Promising finer ― half a gleam of sun. ― But at 2 pouring rain, & black November weather again.

Macbeans. ― Did not work.

Bought things for Ann & others.

Wrote to Ann, & letter from her. ―

Went to Dessoulavy ― & certainly did puchiss photograffs, Lizards, mosaics &c. &c.
Called on Macbeans also ― & sate with clever Mrs. M. & Mrs. Gordon. ―― Rain always ― clearer before sunset & a small walk  on the Pincian. Saw a [Bopie] ― whom I suppose was Maria B.: ― they were all very kind to me in those days. ― And, as I turned into the Corso, there was Cavaliere Ricci ― of those kind Aquila Abruzzi days! ―

There’s something in this world amiss

Will be unriddled bye & bye.

And I did not speak to him: nor do I think it possible he could have known me. ― And I also thought I saw Monsignore Coletti ―――――.

At 4 P.M. a card was brought me ― “Mr. Empson” & “Mrs. Charles Empson” written thereon. I thought it was the remaining brother of the Professor ― but it turned out an old gent, of snowy & meek-like look ― “a distant relative Sir.” ― He had come so far to see W.S. Landor, & had letters to Browning, ― & knew “Pentland.” By degrees it came to me that there was a C. Empson senior: Newcastle ― who also went to Bath after a certain time: ― & I can’t but think this the man. He was about 40 when I was a lad of 17: & may be 70 now. ―― Hum. ―― He called afterwards again, ― asking G. where he could dine? ― G. said ― “In qualunque sito ―”  but finding he did not understand Italian ― added, ― “Everywhere Sir, ― all over the place! ― [Vide overleaf 29 April]

[30 Apl. (from overleaf.)]

Dined at the Falcone: rain ― al solito.

G. in the evening told me this story ― told him by a Greek of ˇ[Ianina] who was on board the boat from Corfu to Brindisi. Being at Tricala  ― a place aboundly in storx, this man ˇ[& others] saw ― sitting in a garden ― a large snake go up a tree to a storks nest: the 2 old storx made no end of clatter & by that means drew by degrees a cloud of storx ― all the storx of the Peneus ― who flew, & clattered, but didn’t touch the snake. At length some flew away, & returned with more ― 2 large or older particularly: & these fell on the snake & struck him down ― whereon all the storx rushed at the abolished serpent, & tore him into pezzi,  & were happy ever after.


[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Saturday, 29 April 1860

Gray ― early: & I wished to take G. to the Cemetery. Wrote to C.F. ― No church. At 12 it rained as usual, & so on all day. Nevertheless I went to S. Peters & back ―: disgustable.

Wrote to Jamieson.

Dined at the Knights ― Isabella very poorly. ―

[The rest of the page is taken by the final part of the entry for 30 April.]

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Saturday, 28 April 1860

Sent letter to F.L.

Utterly sunless, but dry ― wonderful to say! ― until 3, when it began to rain again & rained on always.

Macbeans ― no papers.

Worked at colouring sketches. ―

Amused by seeing the G. Duchess M. of Russia go from the Hotel opposite: 4 immense hay carts of vast trunks & cases ― 3 large carriages & 2 small ones. 3 carriages of servants ― 1 for 2 ladies of honour. 1 for C. Strogonoff & the G. Duchess ― & lastly one containing 2 male & 1 female servant & 23 bundles: ― the vastness of beggardom let loose on this ulterior transitory vehicle was wondrous. ―

Sat an hour with P. Williams. Anecdote of Miss Hosmer & others. ― Dined at the Φαλκῶνε.

Deep rain & mud ――― like December in 1837.

[How] George is to sit & smoke: poor fellow ― he bears up well for him: but I hope to be away in 10 days ― & he on the road home.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Friday, 27 April 1860


An odious month! ― The same heavy dark sky & fits of rain. ― Macbeans. ― Worked off & on at one of the 2 Jerusalems ― & coloring Syrian sketches all day. At 7 to Cholmondeleys ― only his brother Charles there ― very pleasant.

Dessoulavy came afterwards ― & was immensely amusing. He came here in Dec. 1817 ― & was then 16 years old ― ergo is 59 now. (Gibson had come in October 1817 ― & was then about 28: now consequently some 72 or 73.)

D.’s account of Turner & old Kaisermann was most laughable. He talks of going to England to settle.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

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Thursday, 26 April 1860

In no country is it possible to suppose a gloomier day.

Rain early. To Macbean’s ― no news, now a days.

Then worked hard at Jerusalem, (having sponged out all the last 3 days work on it, & beginning wholly on a new task.) & on Baalbek, besides colouring penned sketches.
“Intervals of leisure” ― certainly not looking out of doors into the dismal rain. And poor George, (never again will I be so selfish as to allow a good servant so to sacrifice his life’s comfort, ― for as he says ― this kitchen “guard’a’ una mura sola ―”1 ―) writing as long as he can, complains of the dark & dismal weather naturally. ― Indeed Rome is a gross imposture in all ways. ― After 5 I went out, & meeting Cholmondeley (who has written to me to dine there tomorrow,) walked with him a bit: he is odd & quaint, & I don’t understand him altogether, but “make allowances.” ― Later, to the K.s: & sate with “Helen” & Isabella. “Υπομονή”2 indeed!
Walked back, in rain: & dined at home. ― I offered G. his “carta”3 to day, & that he might go home at once: but he was half angry, & said ― “cosa fa 1, o 2, o 3 settimane? Non vado:4 ― ἅς ὑπάμωμεν ὀμοῦ. ―((Clearly intending to say “Let us go [away] together” (GT).))

A blazing fire tonight ― as at Xmas, ― & chilly all the day for want of one. ―

Afterwards as I was going to bed, G. moaning about the rain & darkness, I said, “I wished I could see him more allegro”5 ― whereon he became agitated & angry ― come ― “con mia figlia morta ancora non è 2 mesi? ―” sono uomo ― [penso] un ora ― lavoro un’ora. ―”6 ― and much else poor fellow. I did all I could to comfort him poor fellow ― but life is sad enough, & I would never be the cause of its being repeated.

Still he would not go ― wh. I offered again. ―

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. “Looks towards a single wall,” perhaps meaning there is no view from the windows. []
  2. Patience. []
  3. Passport. []
  4. What difference do 1, 2 or 3 weeks make? I’,m not going” []
  5. Happy. []
  6. What ― “with my daughter dead for less than two months? ―” I’m a man ― I [think] for an hour ― I work for an hour. []
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