Saturday, 22 October 1859
Bad cold: unwell.
Horrid cold weather but bright & fine.
Letter from D. Fowler.
Wrote to
D. Fowler
Could work but little ― yet I imagine that at last I concluded the Campagna.
Sat. read. slept. wrote.
Various folk came ― the 4 pictures being set out.
One old lady thought I said Petrarch ― & asked if the other Arab was Laura!
Mr. & Miss Wagner ― Ricardos ― St. Quentin &c. &c.
At 5 went to the Post. At 6 dined at the Wagners. Mr. Darby ― Mr. C. Darby’s brother. Mr. & Mrs. J.H.W. ― pleasant enough. Sang a good deal afterwards. Lightening & cloud.
Horribly cold.
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]