
Fine early ― then dark: then rain.

Mr. Morier came. later S. Gurney & Et Bunsen.

Afterwards F.L. ――――――――――――1

Worked more or less at Beirût. ―

At 7 went to the Beauclerks in a Hotel in Dover Street.

How very Irish ― yet so kindly ― as Irishism ever is! Mr. & Mrs. A. de V. B. ― a Miss Burgess ― immensely pleasant & pleasing ― Sir Henry Vane? ― & that same Colonel Knox whom one has seen for ages.

I am bored often with smallnesses & small talk, yet on the whole the evening was very amusing. ―

Horrid gale of wind!

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. I’m not sure whether this line is meant to underline “S. Gurney & Et Bunsen” above or to follow “F.L.” []