Sunday, 17 March 1861
1 Harvey Bagot
2 Sir R. Bethell
3 Lady Bethell
4 Mrs. Blencowe
5 Mrs. Bright
6 H. Cheales
7 Church C.
8 Clowes S.
9 Crake E.
10 Cross J.
11 Mrs. Davidson
12 Miss Dennett
13 Mr. Edwards
14 J. Edwards
15 Mrs. Evans
16 Lady Farquhar
17 R. Fowler
18 Mrs. Francillon
19 Mrs. Frith
20 Lady Goldsmid
21 J. Gould
22 Mrs. Gray
23 Dr. Hodgkinson
24 Mrs. E.C. Holmes
25 Maria Hornby
26 James Hornby
27 Mrs. Hornby
28 [Laura] Hornby
29 Holman Hunt
30 Paul Hunt
31 Mrs. G. Howard
32 Mrs. Ingleby
33 Jameson
34 Mrs. Leake
35 Miss Morier
36 L. Penrhyn
37 Mrs. Percy
38 W. & J. Raleigh
39 Lady Reid
40 Mrs. Robinson
41 Mrs. G. Scrivens
42 Lady Simeon
43 Mr. Thornton
44 F. Thrupp
45 S.F. Widdrington
46 E. Woodthorpe
47 C. Wynne
48 G. Kokali
49 ― Boyd
a bitter, dark, cold, windy, pouring day. ― horrible & sad.
Wrote all day: in all 49 letters.
I don’t know how my eyes bore it, but they didd [sic].
Dreary ― dreamy. ―
Dined in the cold wide room, & to bed, after again writing no end of letters ― at 10.
What an awful day!
[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]