Fine ― but gray. ― Ill & sad.

Young Frankland sate some time with me.

Drew Windham Hornby’s Wansfell view.

At 4 walked with Frankland to Farringford, but by reason of interruptions, it was near their dinner time, & they she asked him, but he did not stay.

In the morning, Mrs. Cameron, with a Miss Frere & a Miss Clough had come ― & they came in the Evening to AT’s. The whole evening vexed & worried me. Εκεὶνος πάντοτε πίνει παραπολὺ, ― καὶ τώρα λαλᾶ διὰ τόσα πράγματα ἂσχημα.1

Hers is a sad, tho’ a beautiful & true life. I resolved on coming away to go hence tomorrow.

Lovely moonlight.

[Transcribed by Marco Graziosi from Houghton Library, Harvard University, MS Eng. 797.3.]

  1. He always drinks too much, ― and now he patters about so many ugly things (NB). []